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gypsygem81 November 16 2006, 07:36:25 UTC


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gypsygem81 November 16 2006, 16:44:31 UTC
I'm not sure I have. They're not new, they're all ones I made ages ago, I was just posting them to show symm76.

I will if you want me to?


symm76 November 16 2006, 07:59:13 UTC
Wheeeee! These are great. ♥ Now I reeeeally wanna watch the series again. Just looking at those kisses makes me all hot and bothered. lol. My favs are 7, 15, 23 and 29. Snagged 15 and 23 - love the colouring!


gypsygem81 November 16 2006, 16:48:01 UTC
Thanks! Glad you like them! I haven't made any in a long time. But maybe I will now. It's really annoying that the dvd's aren't availible in region 2! You're dvd isn't multi region? They used to show it on abc1, which is how I started watching it, but I don't think they show it anymore. I have season 1,2 and 3 on dvd. Season 4 is out, but I've not got round to getting it yet.


symm76 November 16 2006, 22:40:19 UTC
I could buy Region 1 discs and watch them on my playstation 2, which doubles as my DVD player, but I wouldn't be able to watch them on my laptop. The DVD drive on my laptop is now region-locked. Such a pain! It's weird, I know, but I love nothing more than snuggling in bed with my earphones plugged in to my laptop, watching my DVDs. I'm such a geek! I just know that as soon as I buy a R1 set it'll be released in R2. :)

I encourage you to make more icons! I just joined thestraightpoop so I'll definitely be making more Moonlighting icons now. Wheee!


gypsygem81 November 17 2006, 16:53:07 UTC
Yeah, I know what you mean. I hope they will bring them out on region 2 for you soon!

Thanks for the encouragement, I may just do that. I shall see how busy I am over the weekend. Well done on joining thestraightpoop!!!! Yay for new Moonlighting icons!!!


jkalen81 November 17 2006, 18:35:16 UTC
I hope it's alright that I jump in here to say that season 1&2 and 3 are available on region 2. Not on Amazon (at least I don't think so), but you could check ebay. :)


gypsygem81 November 18 2006, 11:24:47 UTC
wow, is it really?! Where did you see them? I've never seen them over here in the UK.


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gypsygem81 April 30 2008, 16:44:40 UTC
oh hey! Glad you like these. I made them yonks ago! And you like Moonlight also!


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