The Friday Spam

Feb 19, 2010 23:46

Subject: TNG cast (Patrick Stewart, Gates McFadden, Brent Spiner, Levar Burton, Jonathan Frakes, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, Denise Crosby).
Prompt: Behind the Scenes
Innocent Bystanders: Some random tech and camera guys.
# of Pictures: 18

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star trek tng, the friday spam

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Comments 20

diana_hawthorne February 19 2010, 23:55:10 UTC
gypsygem81 February 20 2010, 00:03:06 UTC
Thank you! Was fun to do!


lynchgrrrl88 February 19 2010, 23:55:46 UTC
LOL! Best spam ever! Marina is just lounging around the place, flirting with everyone... This is how it seems :P Oh Gates, I love you.


gypsygem81 February 20 2010, 00:06:43 UTC
Basically, that's all she looks to be doing! As well as feeling Patrick Stewart's bald head. But wouldn't you just love to lounge around on the bridge of the Enterprise!?

Best cast ever.

Gates is awesome. I still can't get over them getting rid of her during season 2.


lynchgrrrl88 February 20 2010, 00:49:05 UTC
I still haven't watched season 2. LOL, and yes, best cast EVER! Lounging around on the Enterprise all day looks pretty sweet, best job ever as well! I love your icon :) So pretty!


gypsygem81 February 20 2010, 08:26:31 UTC
I wouldn't bother. I watched it and I'll never get those hours back.


fireflylive February 20 2010, 00:04:37 UTC
Oh series 1? Look at Wil Wheaton, he's like 12!

Fabulous pictures Gem, Thank you!!


gypsygem81 February 20 2010, 00:09:16 UTC
I know! He's a proper adult now! I used to follow him on Twitter, but he's a bit of a nerd and I didn't know what he was going on about most of the time. I do still follow Brent Spiner though and he's hilarious.

You're welcome! Really glad you enjoyed, Rach. I'm trying to get through all four tng movies before I go back to school. I'm halfway through at the moment. I've turned into a right Trekkie over the last year. I never would have believed it.


fireflylive February 20 2010, 00:05:34 UTC
Gem, could I possibly nick one for my blog please?


gypsygem81 February 20 2010, 00:10:49 UTC
Feel free Rach, though the whole post is saved as four separate jpg's. Feel free to crop them, or if you just want to tell me which ones you want I can post them individually. No prob.


redoren February 20 2010, 11:00:05 UTC
I totally love you for posting this ::squishes ::
That brightened my day! Takes me back to my childhood TNG love! I still love that show :)


gypsygem81 February 20 2010, 11:12:07 UTC
You're welcome! Glad it cheered you up! I'm so hooked on this right now.


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