The Friday Spam

Nov 06, 2009 20:39

Subject: Cybill Shepherd & Bruce Willis
Prompt: Outside
# of Pictures: 15

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the friday spam, moonlighting

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Comments 24

jkalen81 November 7 2009, 00:10:41 UTC
Love it! Brings me back.. to when I watched it at yours! hehe. You should post a link in that comm you can't remember the name of. And now you can't, cause I made this comment and that would be embarrassing, seeing that you're the mod. hehe. Do it!


gypsygem81 November 7 2009, 00:14:26 UTC
I so do remember the name. It's thestraightpoop. And there was never a time when I forgot the name. So don't you be going around saying there was! Besides, I'm a mod - how could I forget the name?! It is a very good idea to post a link over there though. Thanks!


jkalen81 November 7 2009, 00:26:15 UTC
Sorry, must have confused you with someone else. So many mods at that place.

Liar. Cheater. Bad dresser.

You should spread it, it's wonderful!


gypsygem81 November 7 2009, 00:45:14 UTC
Yes, must have been the Dutch one ;)

I bet you didn't even clap your hands for Tinkerbell.

Ok Ok, I'll do it right now! And TY ♥


lynchgrrrl88 November 7 2009, 01:31:44 UTC
that was awesome! This spam makes me happy, so outdoorsish, so bright :)
"They're stealing our stolen car!" GOLDEN!


gypsygem81 November 7 2009, 08:57:19 UTC
I know, I love that line!

Glad you enjoyed :)


adda5 November 7 2009, 02:43:12 UTC
Boy, those bring back memories! I loved that show!!


gypsygem81 November 7 2009, 09:01:38 UTC
It was a great show! So glad you enjoyed the spam :)


alabaster_sin November 7 2009, 05:10:25 UTC
Gorgeous, just gorgeous!

Cybill is so beautiful as Maddie. &hearts


gypsygem81 November 7 2009, 09:05:05 UTC
She really was. Glad you liked the spam and thanks for commenting.


thechromenun November 9 2009, 09:34:39 UTC
OOOOH MOONLIGHTING!!!! I love that show! Look at Cybill all 80's and pretty!

This spam is *awesome*!


gypsygem81 November 9 2009, 19:37:22 UTC
Isn't it fab?! Glad you enjoyed!


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