
Jan 25, 2006 01:01

Disclaimer: All of the characters used in my drabbles belong to J. K. Rowling. I am only using them for entertainment purposes and am not making a profit off of them in any way.

Warnings: Some of these drabbles are adult in nature, displaying graphic sexual content. If you are under the legal age in your county, please hit the back button.

Drabble - a 100 word story, or a story written in multiple 100 words parts.

My assorted drabbles can also be located at grangersnape100 here: Gypsy_Morph/RemusSeverus

My Stories

Serial Drabbles

Eternal Love
Summary: A love story told in four 100 word parts. Winner in round six of the Multifaceted Awards in the Shyness and Tears categories.

The Sponge Bath Trilogy
Winner in round two of the Quill to Parchment awards for best series.

The Sponge Bath
Summary: Part one of the Sponge Bath trilogy. Severus is in the hospital being cared for by Hermione.

The (Not So) Long Awaited Sponge Bath Sequel
Summary: Part two of the Sponge Bath trilogy. Severus is having paralysis relapses.

A Serious Medical Condition
Summary: Part three of the Sponge Bath trilogy. Hermione discovers the truth behind Severus' paralysis relapses.

The Sins of Sex
Summary: Severus and Hermione become involved after the Leaving Feast Ball.

Which Head Are You Thinking With?
Summary: Severus won't stop touching Hermione's bum after a weekend of shagging.

Enjoy Yourself
Summary: Hermione goes on vacation with Harry, Ron, and Ginny at Severus' insistence.

If It Shuts You Up…
Summary: Hermione is hurt in an accident in Severus' personal library.

Second Childhood
Summary: Severus is hit with a memory charm, and his wife, Hermione, is forced to help him grow up again.

Second Marriage
Summary: Sequel to Second Childhood. Severus still can't remember his life before the memory charm and is struggling in his marriage to Hermione.

'Til Death Do Us Part
Summary: Hermione cares for Severus after the Final Battle.

Summary: Severus' Polyjuice spying mission takes an unexpected twist when Hermione mistakes him for Harry.

You're All Vinegar
Summary: Severus and Hermione are fighting, and their friends work to get them back together.


You're A Mean One - SS/HG, grangersnape100 Grinch challenge response.

Bad Dreams - SS/HG, grangersnape100 My Heart Lies With the Order challenge response.

Bantering - SS/HG, grangersnape100 Dialog Only challenge response.

Trust Misplaced - SS/HG, grangersnape100 Dialog Only challenge response.

I Solemnly Swear... - SS/HG, grangersnape100 Dialog Only challenge response.

I Shall Require Payment - SS/HG, The Quidditch Pitch Anything Goes challenge response.

Hidden Relationship - SS/PP, written for 10k_drabbles.

Dodging A Hex - SS/HG, grangersnape100 Married To Another challenge response.

Life's Trials - SS/HG, grangersnape100 Ultimate Challenge response; total of twenty-two challenges answered.


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