Barbells unless otherwise specified. 1 to 8 reps, sometimes as high as twelve or more. Just trying to tone up for now, but also work on some muscle imbalances I have and prevent rotary cuff injuries. My morning workouts are mainly about just getting energized so I can leave the house, so often they are quite short.
Tone! Is that word still (trashed) in the user-info part of this group?
Kidding aside (I have a reaction to the word tone) muscle imbalance fixing is wonderful. I'm engaged in a similar process trying to fix and prevent issues with my shoulders.
I always encourage having goals - achieve goals, not "lose" goals, but the fact you're up and doing something is a key.
I guess I am going for mass, but the conclusion was that tone equals mass. I hesitate to call what I am doing bulking up because my diet is off right now and I am not doing a lot of big compound lifts. But definitely good luck with your journey!
Comments 5
Kidding aside (I have a reaction to the word tone) muscle imbalance fixing is wonderful. I'm engaged in a similar process trying to fix and prevent issues with my shoulders.
I always encourage having goals - achieve goals, not "lose" goals, but the fact you're up and doing something is a key.
*commenter is by no means an expert
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