Title: Fate Intervenes 8/16
by GylzGirl
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sparrabeth. Spoilers for DMC.
Summary: Elizabeth is in trouble and it seems Jack, and something he asked her a long time ago, are her only hope.
Other headers attached to chapter one.
EXTREME THANKS to my beta Karen for all her help on this one.
CHAPTER EIGHT: What Happens in La Vega, Stays in La Vega )
Comments 48
Thanks for the feedback luv!
This story is definately amongst my favorites (though it has been for the last few chapters). I loved this chapter though i must admit the title for the next one scares me a little. I truely hope it has more to do with the bad guy (can't remember his name atm) and not with Jack or Elizabeth cheating on each other so soon..... (Though by their marriage vows it wouldn't constitue as cheating if they slept with someone else....)
Loved this line, and I don't know why:
She touched his cheek. "You're being very sweet, even if somewhat annoying. But I'm afraid I must insist."
[but it could be that i'm over-dosing on Charmed, and keep hearing Piper instead of Lizzie with that line...or i'm insane. take your pick]
I can't wait for the next installment (although the title is giving me pause).
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