WIP: Shadows of the past

May 14, 2007 21:08

Title: Shadows of the past
Author: aviss
Pairing: Phoenix/Miles, OMC/Miles
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst, mystery, romance
Warnings: OMC, mentions of non-con, nastiness and angst (but not yet,)
Summary: Sometimes our past mistakes come back to haunt us.
Disclaimer: Whoever they belong to, it's not me.
Notes: This follows Second Chances and will make more sense if you read the other one first, though it's not necessary. This is a WIP, and I'll begin posting in the hopes of writing faster. Unbetaed, any concrit is welcome. I won't crosspost until it's finished


Chapter 3 - Nakamura

From the case SX-13 (the People vs. Wright):
Crime scene report:

The first agent to arrive at the crime scene was Detective Dick Gumshoe, who due to his personal relationship with both the victim and the defendant has requested to be taken from the case. Quoted from Gumshoe's report:

"We received a call from a neighbour for Domestic Violence; since I recognized the address as the one where Phoenix Wright lives I decided to go there myself.

The door to his flat was unlocked and slightly ajar. I called out to them, but got no answer. I entered the flat and then called immediately for reinforcements.

Neither the defendant nor the victim were there. The room was trashed, everything scattered and broken and all over the place. I went to the bedroom and I saw it there. The place looked like a slaughterhouse. There was blood everywhere, and there was also a knife on the floor. On a corner, I saw a fuchsia garment that looked like Prosecutor Edgeworth's favourite jacket; it was stained with blood and ripped in some parts.

We found the defendant, Phoenix Wright, in the garage and his clothes were stained with blood as well.

He didn't seem to know any of us or where he was. When I arrested him he asked, "Is he dead?"

He hasn't spoken since. "

7th April, 2018

Phoenix was in a strangely good mood when he arrived at the court, considering he had gone to sleep feeling angry and depressed. It was true that a good night of sleep made a whole lot of difference; he couldn't even remember what the fight was about.

The fight--he would speak to Miles after the trial and see if they could have lunch together, he didn't think the other man was still angry, and if he was, they could talk and fix whatever it was that needed fixing.

His mobile rang at that moment, and he answered distracted. "Phoenix Wright speaking."

"Mr. Wright?" Jonathan's voice reached him clearly and he checked the time, he was supposed to be in the courtroom already.


"I'm sorry Mr. Wright, I just got caught in a traffic jam and I will be late." He sounded stressed and Phoenix felt for him, it was supposed to be his first appearance in court.

"Don't worry Johnny, I can handle it. Try to get here when you can."

"Thanks Mr. Wright."

Smiling indulgently, Phoenix hung up and turned his mobile off. It was a good thing he had prepared the case with Jonathan, even if it was supposed to be an easy one, it was never a good idea to be off guard when facing Edgeworth.

He had meant to introduce them several times, but for one reason or the other it was never possible. It seemed as if they were not meant to meet. It was a pity; he could tell Edgeworth was intrigued.

His first surprise was seeing Edgeworth that morning. He looked terrible, as if he hadn't slept a wink the whole night. He was pale as a corpse and his eyes looked bruised. Phoenix was immediately worried and he tried to approach him, but the trial was about to start and Miles refused to make eye contact.

Focusing on the case was one of the most difficult things Phoenix had ever done, his mind going back again and again to Edgeworth. Did something happen to him? It was true they had a fight or something like that the previous night, but they both knew it was just something stupid that wouldn't matter in the morning, didn't they? It had to be something else, but what? Miles had been behaving weird the last week, always looking over his shoulder and getting angry at the smallest things. What could be happening to him?

Pushing all his personal problems out of his mind, Phoenix managed to get to the end of the trial and get the acquittal his client deserved. Not stopping to acknowledge his client's gratitude, he ran after Edgeworth, finally cornering him in the garage.

"Edgeworth wait!" he shouted seeing that the other man was about to get in the car and leave.

With a wary look around, Edgeworth stopped and waited for him. What the hell was wrong with him? He looked scared of something.

"You're not still angry with me?" he said, completely at a loss of what to say now.

"Angry?" Edgeworth looked at him puzzled, as if he didn't know what he was talking about, and Phoenix knew he didn't remember their previous argument. "No, no… nothing like that. I'm just in a hurry."

"Where are you going?"

Edgeworth took a few seconds to answer, screwing his eyes shut in concentration and then snapping them open and looking around unfocused. "Home."

"No, you're coming with me," Phoenix said, he was more than worried now. Miles was exhausted; there was no way he would let him get in the car. "You can't drive, you're falling asleep standing!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Wright!" Edgeworth said, but he didn't resist when Phoenix grabbed his arm and dragged him to the lift.

Phoenix looked around for a cab once they were outside, and got the barely conscious Edgeworth inside. He was about to get in the cab when he heard a voice calling him.

"Mr. Wright! I looked for you inside but couldn't find you!"

Asking the driver to wait for a minute, he tuned to Jonathan. "Sorry Johnny, I have to go back in a hurry, do you mind checking on the client and getting all the papers back to the office?

"No problem Mr. Wright. I'll call you back later, then. Anything I can help you with?

Smiling, he shook his head. "Don't worry, Johnny. This is personal."

"Ah." He looked inside the cab and Phoenix saw his smile widening, getting an edge he didn't like. "I see."

Ignoring it for the moment, Phoenix just said goodbye and got in the cab. When he turned to look at Edgeworth he was asleep.

They would talk later; right now what Miles needed was to rest.

When Miles opened his eyes it took him a few seconds to realize he was in Phoenix' bed. He couldn't remember getting there, but since it wasn't a strange place for him to wake up he just snuggled closer to the warm body next to him and closed his eyes again.

"Mmmm, Phoenix?" he said, his voice rough and low.


"What time is it? Is already morning?" he asked, cracking an eye open and seeing that the room was in complete darkness. Strange, he wasn't the kind of person who would wake up in the middle of the night.

"It's past nine in the evening, Miles," Phoenix said, his voice tinged with concern. "you fell asleep after the trial and I had to bring you here."

Immediately awake, Miles sat up in bed and looked at Phoenix. He could hardly see him in the shadow, but it was clear that Phoenix was wide awake and there was a frown on his face.

"What--? Oh, hell!" he remembered now. He had been unable to sleep at all the previous night, worrying about what he had seen.

"Something you want to tell me?" Phoenix asked, leaning forward to see his face in the dim light.

There was no way he could tell Phoenix about Nakamura, he wouldn't understand it.

"No, not really," he said, lowering his eyes.

Phoenix cocked an eyebrow, looking sceptical. "Miles, you looked dead on your feet this morning, and you actually fell asleep and you wanted to drive…" he shook his head, "I don’t even want to think how that one would have ended--" he trailed off, and Miles could she him shuddering.

"Sorry Phoenix," he said, feeling already like a bastard for lying to him. "it’s just that I couldn't sleep last night. I've been too worried with work things and I took it out on you, I kept thinking about it and managed to give myself a migraine. I didn't want to worry you."

He leaned in to kiss him gently, hoping he wouldn't be called on his lie. Phoenix responded immediately, wrapping him in his arms and hugging him tightly.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, just kissing. And to Edgeworth the night before seemed like a nightmare almost forgotten when you wake up. He felt really safe there, with Wright.

Knowing it was not a dream and that Nakamura's presence threatened what he had, he made up his mind to protect it. Whatever it took.

Miles stared at the ceiling while counting the seconds, timing them with Phoenix' soft snores. Last time he checked the time it was past midnight, and he knew that if he moved his head to check again it wouldn't be even close to one. The night was crawling at a slow, maddening pace; and sleep seemed to be completely out of his reach.

What makes him so special, Mr. Edgeworth? Why can't it be me?

He'd spent the past year trying to forget and pretending that had never happened. And now, when he finally thought he had put that episode behind for good, he had to come back.

Miles couldn't deny he was scared.

You have to stay with me, Mr. Edgeworth, I love you!

Turning in the bed, he wrapped himself around Phoenix' warm body to guard off the chill that suddenly gave him goose bumps.

Getting close to Nakamura had been a mistake, but he couldn't have known the sweet and friendly boy would fall for him. He had not planned to hurt him, and he had never intended to have a relationship with him. He had to admit, though, that he was feeling lonely at the time. And that there was something in the boy that reminded him of Wright.

You love me, Miles! Say you love me!

He tried to stop the memories there; he knew where they lead to and was not a happy place. He rubbed his neck absently, thinking he could almost feel the bruise produced by eager teeth. He thought he could still feel the pain, the sharp and deep pain that not even the brief moment of pleasure had been able to cover.

Shivering, he tried to snuggle even closer hoping his lover's proximity would keep the memories away.


"Sleep, Phoenix." He said softly, whishing he could do the same and knowing he was in for another sleepless night.

Chapter 4 - Meetings

No turnabout for the Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright will plead guilty!

What is already considered to be the Trial of the Century starts tomorrow, but most people will be disappointed to know that there will be no trial and no turnabout this time. The defendant, Phoenix Wright, has made clear his intention to plead guilty.

In a shocking move that has thrown the whole Prosecutor's Office off centre, the infamous attorney has rejected all offers of assistance for tomorrow's trial. The prosecutor, Franziska Von Karma, didn't look very happy with this development but she has made no comments on the case.

Wright's assistant, Maya Fey, left the detention centre in tears earlier this afternoon, when asked she said "Nick refuses to speak about it and he doesn't want an attorney. I've told him Franziska is going after the death penalty, and he just smiled and said 'Good'."

What is going through Phoenix Wright's mind? Will we know the reason for this crime?

Don't miss on news of the trial tomorrow!

17th April, 2018

Phoenix took a deep breath, cleaning his lungs and hopefully his mind before going back to the scene of the carnage. He should have never accepted that case, it was going to be a though one.

Steeling himself, he stepped inside the room to look for clues. He didn't really want to look--even if the bodies had been removed they crime had been gruesome and the blood stains on the carpet and walls told a terrible story.

"Detective Gumshoe," he said, his voice sounding rough even to his ears.

Gumshoe looked slightly green around the edges when he looked up from examining the carpet. "Oh, Mr. Wright." He stood up to stand in front of him. "so you are going to be the unlucky attorney?"

Phoenix frowned. "Unlucky?"

"Well--" Gumshoe looked up, casting about. That didn't look promising.

"Anything I need to know?"

A faint blush covered the detective's cheeks. "No."

"Oh." Not promising at all. "I'll have a look around, then."

Definitely shouldn't have accepted that case, but Maya had said she had a hunch on the case. He should have listened to Johnny and just reject the defendant's brother offer. The man was even pleading guilty! How was he going to get out of that one, he had no idea.

"Mr. Wright!"

He turned to see Jonathan standing outside the crime scene with a folder in his hands.

Relieved to have an excuse to go outside, he walked up to him. "Hey Johnny! I wasn't expecting you here."

Phoenix saw him looking around at the crime scene and paling. "Well, I had to give you this paperwork, it needs to be signed and submitted before tomorrow."

Stepping out, Phoenix took the folder and looked at the papers. Oh hell. "I can't believe I forgot to sign these." He muttered, taking his pen hurriedly and signing them. "I will--" he couldn't take them to the Prosecutor's Office now.

He saw Jonathan standing there, just smiling indulgently and Phoenix felt ridiculous for a moment. "I'll take them down to the Prosecutor's Office, Mr. Wright."

"Umm…" he looked at the crime scene and then at the papers in his hand. He really didn't want to go back. If only he could deliver the papers himself, he would also take the chance to pay a visit to Miles. Hanging his head, he admitted he had to stay. "Thanks Johnny."

"Should I take them to Prosecutor Von Karma?" he asked eagerly, and Phoenix had to smile. The boy was so exited after meting Franziska; Phoenix suspected he had a crush. Not that he could blame him, Franziska was really attractive and one of the few people who could get away wearing ruffles.

"Actually, no," he said, and he could see the disappointment in Jonathan's face. "these need to go to the Chief Prosecutor."

Again that strange glint in Jonathan's eyes he could not read. Phoenix didn't know what was, but he didn't like it; Miles had worked too hard to still be judged for just his past mistakes. "Edgeworth?"


"Should I come back here after delivering the papers?"

"No, go back to the office." He looked at his watch. "Actually, go home. There is nothing more to do today. I'll call the Chief Prosecutor so he knows to wait for you."

He stared after Jonathan before going back inside to investigate. He needed to have a word with Jonathan, and sooner rather than later, but now he had no time to spare. He had a murder to solve.

Miles looked at the list of cases on his hands and sighed. It appeared to him as if the world had decided to conspire against him, now that he needed to have some free time for himself the cases seemed to be coming in droves.

Putting a small note on the side of the newest one, the double murder they had just received, he assigned the case to Franziska. Somehow, he had the feeling Wright would get involved in that one.

Looking at the other documents, Miles repressed the urge to sigh again. He had been unable to find anything on his own, and he really didn't want to involve anyone else in his problems. It shouldn't be that difficult to find just one person.

And what are you going to do once you find him, Edgeworth? An annoying voice piped in on his head.

He didn't know.

He had come back from England mostly to take his life back, but he had to admit that getting away from Nakamura when things had turned nasty was what gave him the final push in the right direction. He wasn't less scared of him now than he was before.

Closing his eyes, he rubbed his temples. He could feel a migraine coming.

Part of him knew that just talking to the boy would not be enough, but Miles hated having to ask help for that, either from Phoenix or anyone else. Specially Phoenix. He couldn't bear the thought of Phoenix knowing what happened.

"Mr. Edgeworth." his secretary's voice took him back to the present and he snapped his eyes open. "you have a visitor from Wright and Co."

Oh, that would be the ever helpful Johnny. Phoenix had called to tell him he was going to deliver some paperwork.

"Yes, show him in." he said, putting everything not work related back inside its folder.

Miles looked up with a faint smile when he heard the door opening, and then he froze.

"Long time no see, Miles."

All the colour draining from his face, he stood up. "Nakamura!"

Nakamura closed the door, walked to one of the chairs in front of Miles' desk and took a sit. His instinct was screaming at him to run away, but he forced himself to sit down again and face him. He had been looking for him and now he could finally--doing a double take, Miles realized what was going on.

"Johnny, I presume," he said, forcing his voice to sound cold and uninterested. "Curious, I thought you preferred to be called Ryuichi."

Nakamura's smile had teeth, and Miles had to suppress a shudder. "Well, Jonathan is my middle name, so I decided to use it when I applied for my job here."

"I see."

Keep your cool. Keep the calm. Miles repeated those words like a mantra in his mind, while trying to maintain his façade. He couldn't believe Nakamura was in his office, that he had walked inside as if he had all the right in the world. That he had been working alongside Phoenix all that time.

"Here," Nakamura said, giving him a folder with Wright and Co. written on top. "my boss," and he could hear the scorn on that word, clear as day. "asked me to bring these to you. He's going to be tied up tonight so I wouldn't expect him to come back early."

"What are you doing here, Nakamura?" he asked, annoyed.

Nakamura's smile widened. "Just my job, Miles."

"Why are you here?"

Nakamura moved in his chair, leaning forward and Miles flinched. "Didn't I tell you I'd go wherever you go?" he sounded so innocent, so hurt because Miles left--Miles had to remind himself how things had really been. "I want our relationship to work, Miles."

"There is no relationship," he said coldly. "there never was."

"I didn't imagine it, Miles." Nakamura said, standing. "I remember perfectly that night."

Miles blanched. He could also remember that night. "That was a mistake."

Leaning over the desk, Nakamura put his hands flat on it, his face inches away from Miles'. "And what would you call the other time, Miles?"

Feeling suddenly furious and forgetting about his fear, Miles inched forward until he could almost kiss the other man. "Rape." He hissed. "Now leave before I lose my patience."

Miles should have known it was not going to work, but he wasn't really expecting that Nakamura closed the distance between them and kissed him. Surprised, he didn't struggle for two seconds, but when he felt a tongue trying to part his lips, he reacted. Pushing at him with all his strength, Miles fell back on his chair, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"I never heard you saying no." Nakamura said, smiling.

"Get out!" he snarled, not caring anymore about appearances. He wanted him out.

He couldn't believe it was happening again. Nakamura had managed to get back into his life and was now in a perfect position to ruin everything again. Working with Phoenix. Miles was sure he had known all the time what he was doing.

"Oh, but my boss gave me the afternoon off, so I thought we could catch up, Miles." he walked to the window and looked out, a wistful expression on his face. "Such a lovely day, it would a pity to spend it on that crime scene, though Phoenix could do with my help."

Miles froze. "Stay away from Wright."

Nakamura turned, and his smile this time was nothing but nasty. "He is so trusting, isn't he, Miles? And it’s so easy to see how much he admires you. I would go as far as saying he's head over heels for you."

"What do you want, Nakamura?" Miles asked, defeated.

"Just to have a chat with you, Miles. For old times' sake."

Nodding, Miles accepted, knowing he had no other choice. "Where?"

"I'll be in the Starbucks round the corner for the next half an hour, I'll be waiting."

Nakamura left, and Miles closed his eyes feeling his head about to explode.

He had known he was going to have a migraine, he couldn't have known it was going to be the least of his problems.

Phoenix couldn't believe his luck lately. Taking a big breath to cleanse his lungs, he left the crime scene and hailed a cab. It wasn't the fact that he had wasted an hour of his time in a case he should have never taken. That, he could stand. But did Franziska need to gloat so much on the phone?

Well, he could admit this time she had won. Only it was not a competition, even if she believed it was. The guy had confessed and signed his own death sentence. That wasn't even the worst part; he had said he had not hired any lawyer and that he didn’t need one. So Phoenix had been made redundant in less than an hour. A new record for him.

"Never mind, this way at least I can go see Miles," he told himself out loud, earning a weird look from the driver.

It was a really nice afternoon, and if he was honest with himself he'd rather spend it having a drink and maybe diner with Miles than looking for clues in a bloody house.

Humming to himself, he got to the Prosecutors office and went straight to Miles' office.

"He's out, Mr. Wright," Miles' secretary told him when Phoenix approached her.

"Oh," he had not expected that. "is he coming back?"

She smiled knowingly, and Phoenix wondered if the whole office knew about them.

"I don't think so, Mr. Wright. I was about to leave as well, actually," she said, her smile a bit strained at the prospect of having to stay longer.

"Oh well, I guess I'll give him a call on his mobile," Phoenix smiled and turned back to the lift, waving to the secretary on his way out.

He was about to do exactly that when he saw him.

There was something wrong in the scene he was seeing, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Miles was sitting inside Starbucks coffee with Jonathan. There was nothing strange about that: Phoenix had sent Jonathan to the office himself, and he knew what a likeable boy his assistant was.

It was Miles' expression what looked out of place. He definitely didn't look like he wanted to be there.

And Miles was not the kind of person who would do things he didn't want to.

Phoenix froze when he saw Jonathan putting his hand on Miles' arm and Miles' flinching from the contact. What was going on? Miles looked scared, and Phoenix didn't think he had seen that kind of expression on his face before.

Not knowing why, he took a step back and hid in the shadows where they couldn't see him.

Nothing happened for the next minute, they kept talking about something Phoenix couldn't know, their body language telling a story that he wasn't about to believe. Jonathan looked comfortable with Miles, trying to touch him and approach him at every given chance; Miles on the other hand looked like he wanted to flee.

And then Miles suddenly stood up, an expression of utmost hatred on his face, and shouted something before storming out of the shop.

Phoenix stood rooted on the spot, watching Jonathan finish his coffee looking like the cat that ate the canary.

He didn't know what was happening, but he was going to find out.

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