· [HOBBIES:] Reading and writing, like ninety percent of the population. Playing some video games, though I'm new to it. Drawing. Finding new logic puzzles to figure out. Cosplay, because elaborate, over-expensive dress-up is fun. Listening to music - those who don't like music have no soul. Being pretentious, depending on whom you ask.
· [LIKES:] Debating. Learning lots of foreign languages. Fawning over people that I probably shouldn't. Researching, because I'm abnormal and find that to be one of the most fun tasks you could put me to. Chocolate milk. Playing with cats. Walking in the rain. Windy days. Confusing stupid people. Keeping everyone guessing.
· [DISLIKES:] Closed-mindedness and people who keep themselves intentionally ignorant because they don't want to hear anything valid. Losing - I'm a notoriously poor loser. Bad grammar. Chatspeak. People who have deluded themselves into thinking that they have a sense of humor when, in all actuality, they don't. Smoking. Bees, wasps and other flying things that sting. Everyone taking themselves too seriously.
· [STRENGTHS:] Approachability - for some reason, everyone thinks asking me for advice is a good idea. Intelligence. A good memory for facts and pointless trivia. Command over the written word and the ability to use it without sounding like a complete idiot (well, the majority of the time). Multitasking.
· [WEAKNESSES:] An irrational fear of birds. Slight agoraphobia. No common sense. Overanalyzing everything. Perfectionism. Overachieving. Crying inconsolably when I'm afraid until the thing that's scaring me goes away. Vindictiveness. A lot of manipulative tendencies.
· [GAMES?:] I liked the first game and Trials and Tribulations best. When it comes to Justice for All, I could take it or leave it, although the fourth case was brilliant.
· [CHARACTERS?:] Phoenix Wright, as he was before GS4. Miles Edgeworth. Manfred and Franziska von Karma. Redd White cracked me up more than he should have. Turner Grey was awesome for a reason I haven't pinned down yet. So was the Bellboy, of all people. Elise Deauxnim was amazing, and more people need to be like her. Pearl is adorable. I need to stop before I list most of the cast...well, except for Moe. He makes me want to punch someone in the face.
· [EPISODES?:] Turnabout Goodbyes (1-4); Farewell, My Turnabout (2-4); Bridge to the Turnabout (3-5). I sense a pattern...really, though, I enjoyed almost all of the cases. The only ones I actually disliked were Turnabout Big Top (2-3) and Rise From the Ashes (1-5), although Rise From the Ashes got distinctly better toward the end; the characters introduced weren't bad, but that case seemed like it would never end.
· [WHAT IS YOUR OCCUPATION?:] Prosecutor, in all probability; I like the idea of being more in control and having things swayed my way almost automatically simply by merit of having that occupation, and I dislike having to start by flailing my way up from behind.
· [WHAT IS YOUR ENDEARING CHARACTER TRAIT?:] A habit of saying "Well, actually..." before stating any sort of fact, even if it's in no way contradictory to what was just said.
· [WHAT PROPS WOULD YOU USE IF YOU WERE PROSECUTOR?:] My glasses, though first I'd have to borrow somebody's ability to make them all shiny and scary whenever I'm angry - it's not easy to do normally, unless you're all right with constantly having a light in your face, so I figure I'd need some sort of secret Gyakuten Saiban skills to pull this off.
· [WHAT IS YOUR DEEPEST SECRET?:] I'm a pathological liar. Have fun figuring out what my actual secret is. (And for extra fun, have a question - if my deepest secret were to be "I am a pathological liar," would I tell you that, or would I tell you something else?)
· [WHAT KIND OF MURDER COULD YOU COMMIT/BE FRAMED FOR?:] A bludgeoning that I happened to be found near the scene of, with some blood on my clothes and my fingerprints all over the murder weapon, though I would have no recollection of seeing or doing the killing.
· [ARE YOU "GUILTY" OR "NOT GUILTY"?:] Much to the surprise of how most people would assume this would go (prosecutor on trial, evidence pointing so hard to "she probably did it" that it must be a red herring, she doesn't recall anything so there's a chance she didn't...!), I would be completely and utterly guilty.
· [WHAT WOULD YOUR "NO!" POSE BE?:] Bent over slightly, elbows on the desk with my arms perpendicular to it, hitting my forehead against my knuckles repeatedly.
This. That.And there did not, unfortunately, appear to be another. If I'm mistaken, please let me know.
· [PHOTO/DESCRIPTION:] My hair is unruly. And this is the most recent picture of me that doesn't look completely horrid, so please pardon my politics, as they're all over my shirt.
· [JAPANESE/AMERICAN/EUROPEAN NAME?:] Japanese sounds fine.
· [MALE/FEMALE/NO PREFERENCE?:] I have no preference.