Половина статистики

Nov 18, 2018 09:40

Где-то прочел недавно, что из свеже-умерших от гриппа, по-моему в США, 80% не имели прививки от гриппа. Всего же умерло же несколько десятков, точно не помню сколько ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

zapiens November 19 2018, 15:08:39 UTC
Somewhat related - a test from Kahneman's "Thinking Fast and Slow"


...your friend presents you with a deck of cards with a number on one side and a letter on the other. He deals you four cards from the deck. Here is what you see laid out before you on the four cards:

9 J U 2

Your friend then asks you which cards you will need to turn over in order to determine whether the following rule holds for the deck (assuming these four cards represent the rest of the deck):

If a vowel is printed on one side of the card, then an even number is printed on the other side.

Which cards do you turn over in order to test this rule?


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