50bookchallenge, 15000pages

Jan 15, 2008 13:31

Book #6 -- Catherynne M. Valente, The Orphan's Tales Volume 1: In the Night Garden, 483 pages.

Um . . wow. I'm really glad I moved this one up in my to-read pile. Parts were a little confusing -- I've been thinking of trying to draw up a chart to keep straight who is telling what story to whom and how the different characters are related, but the stories themselves are genius. And the format -- to be able to weave the stories together like that always dipping in and out of the main narrative line and yet still tie it all together in the end is amazing. I can't wait to read the next one.

Progress toward goals: 15/366 = 4.1%

Books: 6/150 = 4.0%

1722/50000 = 3.4%

2008 Book List

cross-posted to 15000pages, 50bookchallenge, and gwynraven

50bookchallenge, 15000pages, books

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