50bookchallenge, 15000pages

Dec 15, 2008 08:40

Book #110 -- Joshua Clark, Heart Like Water: Surviving Katrina and life in its disaster zone, 356 pages.

This is the most ‘literary’ of the Katrina books I’ve read. It is primarily a memoir, written by Joshua Clark, a publisher and journalist living in the French Quarter, who stayed during Katrina. He writes about his own experience, and the experiences of those he met, focusing on the French Quarter and the strong community of holdouts that sprang up in the aftermath of the storm. It is also the story of relationships - how Katrina brought people closer together and tore them apart. The language is dreamlike - almost stream-of-consciousness - and sometimes goes too far and falls into incomprehensibility and pretentiousness. But overall, the book does a good job of capturing the surreal nature of life in New Orleans during and after Katrina.

Progress toward goals: 350/366 = 95.6%

Books: 110/150 = 73.3%

Pages: 29269/50000 = 58.5%

2008 Book List

cross-posted to 15000pages, 50bookchallenge, and gwynraven

50bookchallenge, 15000pages, books

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