50bookchallenge, 15000pages

Sep 07, 2008 20:48

Book #92 -- Serena Robar, Dating 4 Demons, 191 pages.

The third in the series, and as the title suggests, the one most focused on Romance. Piper gets almost equal lead time here with Colby, which I liked a lot, because if I was one of the characters in this series I would be Piper. Poor Carl gets shipped off to New York near the start of the book, although the author's note explains that a short story about his New York adventures is published in an anthology I'll have to get from the library. Pure fluffy fun, but nothing's wrong with that :)

Book #93 -- Delauné Michel, The Safety of Secrets, 294 pages.

The polar opposite of fluffy fun, The Safety of Secrets is a serious novel about two small-town best friends from Lake Charles, Louisiana who try their luck as actresses in a very different L.A. Patricia has a hit series and a series of failed relationships, whereas Fiona is still struggling with small guest roles but has a caring husband and a baby on the way. But a shared secret from their past in rural Louisiana still ties them together, and threatens to tear them apart. Actually a very good book, but as most of the action takes place in the main character's head it's not for everybody.

Book #94 -- Barbara Ensor, Thumbelina: Tiny Runaway Bride, 142 pages.

A creative re-telling the Hans Christian Anderson classic Thumbelina, with a twist. After all, after Thumbelina successfully escapes from the amourous attentions of the toad and the mole, what makes you think she's going to up and marry some fairy prince just because he happens to be the right size? Clearly written for older elementary age children, but enjoyable for older children and adults as well. The author's tone is very much that of a storyteller and the book practically begs to be read aloud.

Progress toward goals: 251/366 = 68.6%

Books: 94/150 = 62.6%

Pages: 25623/50000 = 51.2%

2008 Book List

cross-posted to 15000pages, 50bookchallenge, and gwynraven

50bookchallenge, 15000pages, books

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