50bookchallenge, 15000pages

Jun 14, 2008 21:14

Book #56 -- Rachel Neumeier, The City in the Lake, 294 pages.

The disappearance of the Prince of the Kingdom is followed by a sickness that infects the very land causing every living thing in the Kingdom to be barren. With the Kingdom under siege and the King in despair, The Bastard must discover what has happened to his brother before it's too late, while in one of the villages on the other side of the Forest, the mage-in-training Timou begins to suspect that her father knows more about what's happening than he's telling her. When he leaves to join the other mages in the City and fails to return, she realises it's up to her to continue where he left off. In the City, Timou will discover the legacy left her by the mother she has never known, and discover that she and The Bastard have more in common than they thought.

Well-written high fantasy. Unique, unlike most of the genre, but not spectacular. Still an enjoying read.

Progress toward goals: 166/366 = 45.4%

Books: 56/150 = 37.3%

Pages: 15273/50000 = 30.5%

2008 Book List

cross-posted to 15000pages, 50bookchallenge, and gwynraven

50bookchallenge, 15000pages, books

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