Title: Horikoshi University Author: macy Pairing: /horikoshi pairings/ YamaShi Genre: fluff, angst Rating: G AN: -random. Unbetaed. -it's the Horikoshi people but instead of being in high school, they're in college….
love it~ simple but sweet~ <3 btw, I just graduate my high school this year, therefore, next year, I'll be starting my new life as a university/college student.. I'm not sure how to feel about it.. I'm excited but also scared.. loL.. >.<
thanks ^^ i think the sweetest love stories are the simple ones. /shot congratulations on your graduation! :D that's okay, everyone feels the same on the first day. that's why it'll be easy to make friends, since everyone's nervous. i'm sure you'll be fine. uni live is fun, so you should make the most of it! ^-^
ur welcume! yeah~ agree! one of the reason why I love one-shot/drabble more rather than the chapters one~ xD thanks! I hope so~ gonna give all my best!~<3
Comments 3
simple but sweet~ <3
btw, I just graduate my high school this year, therefore, next year, I'll be starting my new life as a university/college student.. I'm not sure how to feel about it.. I'm excited but also scared.. loL.. >.<
i think the sweetest love stories are the simple ones. /shot
congratulations on your graduation! :D that's okay, everyone feels the same on the first day. that's why it'll be easy to make friends, since everyone's nervous. i'm sure you'll be fine. uni live is fun, so you should make the most of it! ^-^
yeah~ agree! one of the reason why I love one-shot/drabble more rather than the chapters one~ xD
thanks! I hope so~ gonna give all my best!~<3
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