December meme #3

Dec 05, 2014 19:51

For today,
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vidding is hard, meme

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gwyn_r December 7 2014, 21:51:54 UTC
I participate in this music swap every year on Metafilter, and making the mix discs every year has helped me find so many songs I forgot about along the way. I tend to ignore a lot of my library and don't make enough playlists, and I really should do that more.


amnisias December 6 2014, 12:17:23 UTC
Oh, I envy people who go manage to go the music vid - idea later route, it's seems so much more intuitive and I think you get a better fit. Your vids are prove of that. Unfortunately I don't belong to that group - I DO have a 'songs that would work great for a vid' list, but if I find vidding time I normally have a vid bunny pestering me, and that ALWAYS comes in form of visuals without a song idea. And then I have to hunt down the right song, which is sooo hard, and I never feel I even get remotely close to what I need (genre, mood, gender of singer, lyrics - there's always something that doesn't work ...)


gwyn_r December 7 2014, 21:53:41 UTC
Hunting down is always so hard for me. Because I'll often have SUCH a clear idea of what I want, but can't always find the song I want and don't have time to listen to 40,000 songs. All these music services online…they should offer one for vidders, where we input what we want and the vid bunny, and then they offer us matching ideas.


amnisias December 7 2014, 23:52:07 UTC
Yup! I'd totally pay good money for that!


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