One hour of the condor

Oct 22, 2005 21:18

If any of you have been trying to reach me at all for the past, oh, week, my ISP is a totally fucked up mess, and I haven't seen a lot of my mail, nor has my mail apparently reached other people. Some of it seems to go through fine, others, especially those to other people on my ISP, aren't getting through at all. I hate them. But bear with me.

Numbers craptasticness )


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Comments 18

ludditerobot October 23 2005, 06:47:38 UTC
Where can I go to learn the proper way for agents to take a room and all that?


morgandawn October 23 2005, 06:59:39 UTC
try googling: Tactical entry procedures


gwyn_r October 23 2005, 23:13:39 UTC
You're just funnin' me, right? I mean, I think you are. Based on the knowledge I've seen you mention about things militaryish. But these days, I cannot tell when people are joshing me. I seem to have lost all ability to get what people are thinking since Sis_r died... and I've become very gullible!


ludditerobot October 23 2005, 23:42:01 UTC
I know the technology of some things, but not the techniques, and the send-the-partner-to-cover-the-back part I've seen in lots of TV shows, but I don't know if it's really real.


mlyn October 23 2005, 07:07:20 UTC
I've been missing TV right and left this week. (Without a Trace and Numbers, sigh.) Looks like I didn't miss much. But is Amita the person "stalking" Charlie?

I adore Three Days of the Condor, too. Damn stupid inappropriate referencing!


gwyn_r October 23 2005, 23:16:44 UTC
They haven't said who's stalking Charlie yet. But they've shown the eps all out of order so far, so it's hard to tell. This was originally supposd to be first, I think, or at least, it was written that way. It wasn't that they were refereincing the book/movie, really, that gets me. It's that there really was an Operation Condor in the '70s that the US was possibly behind, that was essentially a kind of assassination program in South America. There's a big time disconnect there, most of all, but I just thought it was either ballsy or stupid to create your own Operation Condor that sounds a lot like the real one, but have it be about someone/something else.


mlyn October 23 2005, 23:33:25 UTC
But they've shown the eps all out of order so far, so it's hard to tell.

Out of curiosity, how do you know when a show/network is airing eps out of order?

It's that there really was an Operation Condor in the '70s that the US was possibly behind

Ah, I getcha.


ludditerobot October 23 2005, 23:43:34 UTC
As soon as Day of the Condor became popular, government association between Condors and assassins should've ended.


thefourthvine October 23 2005, 08:20:57 UTC
Hmmm. See, okay, I've got this whole tragic condition where I never quite know what emails I actually sent and which I only think I sent, but I think I sent you a vid LoC during that period. If I sent it, I've still got a copy, so if you didn't get it, let me know.

Jesus Christ. That made no sense at all. I'm writing like a crazy person here.

And apparently, based on the rest of your post, that qualifies me for a big career writing Numb3rs. If they call me ("Hi! We heard you're writing like you had your brain surgically removed but you're trying not to let it interfere with your output - want a job?"), you will be the first person I turn to for advice. ("Um. Quick question - which one is Don and which is Charlie? And also Larry? there anything else I need to know for my first day?")


gwyn_r October 23 2005, 23:19:16 UTC
All you have to know is some math, and you can make up the FBI stuff, apparently. so apply! Don is the FBI agent formerly known as Joel Fleischman, doctor in Cicely, Alaska in Northern Exposure, and Charlie is also known as Mr. Universe in Serenity. Larry is sadly well known from Ally MacBeal. Don't hold it against him, but, since he keeps turning up the preciousness these days, I may have to.

I did get your mail because sensibly, you sent it to the gmail account. My home account is the one that appears to be blown.


thefourthvine October 23 2005, 23:28:51 UTC
I know math! I have a semi-reliable source for some of the FBI stuff! And I know how to use Google!

Shit. I may be over-qualified. Perhaps they'll let me PA for it, though.

Side Note of Shame: I had to ask Best Beloved for help decoding your descriptions. All of them. ("Cicely, Alaska is not a TV show. Northern Exposure is the TV show. It's about a doctor. And eccentric villagers. You know, because it's Alaska. [quote to do with a Game Boy] [anecdote explaining quote] And Ally McBeal was...a TV show. Um. You know what, let's just leave it there.") And even BB couldn't catch the Mr. Universe reference.

I...I lose at fandom.

*slumps off in sadness*


ludditerobot October 24 2005, 01:17:24 UTC
I prefer knowing Larry used to slay dragons and get the girl in a previous life.


(The comment has been removed)

gwyn_r October 23 2005, 23:20:27 UTC
I'm all for bringing in real history, and I get the desire to TVify the real life tactical stuff, but... they used real history but messed it up, and then did all the tactical stuff wrong.


barkley October 23 2005, 22:46:01 UTC
I didn't mind that they called the assassin Condor because it most likely didn't come from Three/Six Days of the Condor, but instead from this:

And the part where Charlie explains to them about the first person on the scene? Oh, that was just eye rolling. I have to ffwd over that on the rewatch because it's too damn stupid. They've done that before on stuff in the first season that I've chosen to erase from my mind where Charlie comes in and explains things patiently to the stupid FBI agents. But I come out overall with a good feeling from this episode mostly because everyone talks about Don and I am v. v. easy. *g*


gwyn_r October 23 2005, 23:24:45 UTC
No, I know!! that's what I was thinking of -- it seems to me either really ballsy or really retardo to take something that is actually history, manipulate it into your story to be about something else (reminding me, in a way, of that quaint habit they had in the '60s and '70s on TV of making up country names that were thinly disguised countries in real life like "he's the king of Molzania" and then the IMF team would have to despose him by making him think his dead daughter was trying to kill him from beyond the grave or something), and then messing it up timelineswise! I just though, man, if you're going to bring in something like Condor or the assassin schools or something like that, at least try to do it better, more creatively. And Don was so surprised by everything Elizabeth Pena said, as if he's never heard of any of this political stuff!! Arg. Head go boom.

I am usually easy, too, when it comes to my woobies, but they just did it once too often this time. They should spread the dumbess around a little .


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