New BSG vid

Aug 15, 2006 14:13

This was the vid I showed at the VVC premieres show. Sorry for yet another ginormous file, but it's a looong song that I cut as much as I humanly could.

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica, Laura-centric
Artist: Grey Eye Glances
File: Divx avi, 42.4MB (as always, VLC player recommended, there's a link at my site)
How do you sustain hope in others in the face of unimaginable loss, when you're in danger of losing hope yourself?

My site is password protected but I am so tired right now I can't possibly hope to answer PW requests (assuming there are any!), so for a little while at least, this is what you'll need when you click the link above:
user: gwyn
PW: cymru

So many thanks to laurashapiro, who made this way, way better than it would have been. She really saved my butt when I needed a beta, and I'm incredibly grateful for her keen insights. In fact, I took all her suggestions except two and one of those was just because I am not skilled enough at the tech to get it to not look funny when I did what she suggested.

vids, bsg

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