Escapade vid

Feb 27, 2006 18:43

I think there are only about five Band of Brothers fans out there who'd care about this in the slightest, and only one who wasn't at the con, but this is the vid I premiered at Escapade this past weekend, anyway.

After Rain
Fandom: Band of Brothers
Artist: Oysterband
File: 28.6MB QT Divx avi (as always, I strongly recommend VLC media player, linked at my site, though this file is much more pixelly than usual and I can't seem to correct it)
Summary: Even in the worst storm, there is shelter in love and friendship.

All feedback is welcome, here or privately -- no, really. Good, bad, indifferent... it's the silence that kills. Not that this is a big fandom, though, I know.

I don't have much to say about the con. It was weird being in southern California again after all this time, knowing sis_r was not just a few hours' drive away. Even though we only got together during my Escapade vacation a few times, it was always something I knew we could do if we wanted to. The palm trees and sunshine and birds of paradise bring back a lot of feelings for me.

I loved seeing my friends who were able to make it (so many didn't!) and the vid show went surprisingly smooth this time, despite my forgetting to give people the rundown on how to behave (I find it so hard to believe that so many people have no ability to show common decency for the fellow audience members). Also surprising considering the personal traumas beforehand, and that there were only four of us doing setup that usually takes a lot more. I spent a lot of time on the beach that is so close to the hotel, taking pics with my digital camera (bad ones, though) and trying to get the hang of it. black_bird_777 and I got stuck at Sea-Tac for six hours on Thursday with the most absurdly delayed series of flights I've ever experienced (taxiing back to the terminal TWICE on different planes) and that didn't start things out well for me, either -- we got up at 4 a.m. to catch a 3 p.m. flight, basically, and I had a hard time recovering from the fatigue; it isn't helped by the new pills I'm taking which make me so freaking sleepy I spend all day yawning uncontrollably. I'd planned to make up for the "spend the day in LA sightseeing" that blackbird and I always do before the con but which I missed last year due to my sister coming home from the hospital, but Alaska Airlines stole our entire day from us. I like going other places, but I sure as shit hate getting there, especially lately on these doomed flights.

I think both panels I helped out on went okay, the first ones I've co-modded since the Big Skinner Panel Debacle of 2000 (or whatever year it was). I didn't get to spend time with a lot of the people I'd earmarked to spend time with, but that seems to always be a problem. thevetia gave us local LA expert directions on how to get to LAX from Ventura using surface roads and the PCH (we drove by Neptune's Net so fast I never got to really see it, my only Fast and the Furious landmark so far), and we made it to the airport this morning in not just record time, but totally stress-free on a Monday morning rush hour in the rain. Thevetia, you have been elevated to goddess status.

I haven't been updating much before the con, and I wanted to say thank you to the folks who gave me virtual roses... your thoughfulness really touches me, and I appreciated it, even if I didn't update soon enough to tell you. A while ago I tried trimming down my flist, which was next to impossible, and even though it's getting too hard for me to read, I finally gave up after I'd done a bit of whacking -- nothing personal, as they always say, just me trying to manage with the folks who still share some commonalities, etc. etc. I find it really hard to unfriend folks, even if we've drifted off a ways, unless they jettison me first!

Right now, I'm just happy to be home with Le Puss, and I have to get cracking on really trying to plan this class for spring quarter, even though I haven't got a clue what I'm doing.

vids, band of brothers

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