The Nasau Legacy 2.2

Aug 15, 2008 15:12

Hello and Welcome back.
Its been a little while since the last update but not to long.


Elizabeth gave birth to Jackson Nasau
She got pregnant again
She had a miscarriage :'(


For a while after her miscarriage Elizabeth spent most of her time crying. She even had nightmares about it.

I was so busy trying to make her feel better I nearly missed Misty growing from a puppy

into this hideous thing!

Healthy it may be but its certainly not cute anymore.

She then proceeds to bark at someone not on the lot. This is clearly a sign of things to come from this dog.

I then noticed this pop up. So-So? Well you did have a baby but you also had a miscarriage.
So...I guess So-So is about right for describing this week

Recently Liz has spent all her time (when she wasn't crying) cuddling and playing with Jackson.
Its really cute.

But never mind that as this picture means it is now time for.........

Jackson Birthday Spam!!!

/end spam
Say hello to Toddler Jackson.

First thing he does after she puts him down.
Jackson: Change me bitch!

Henry: Its your turn honey!

Elizabeth does not approve of her son's smell.

Also what happened to happy baby?

Well done Henry for traumatising your young child

Jackson seems to look like a decent mix of his parents with no obviously hideous features.

And now onto the obligitory toddler table spammage!

/end spammage

It's nice to see that while Jackson is having fun downstairs his parents are trying to make him a sibling upstairs XD

And before you think I'm neglecting their ugly dog, here is a shot of Misty watching the waves.
It's all she does.

He was so cute five minutes ago.
What happened?

Yes I know you're hungry!
Can you not see that your mother is in the kitchen getting food for you?!!

He did eventually quiet down and start being cute again .
But no time to stop as it is now.........

Potty Training Time!
Meaning that all you lovely people out there get to see the joy that is Parental Potty Training Faces!

Such as...


and this

and this.

Then Jackson was put to bed...

...and Liz went to play fetch with Misty.

No more than a sim hour later and Jackson was screaming like a banshee which meant it was Elizabeths turn to fail at carrying a toddler.

like so ^

While Henry was outside crying over the spilled garbage.
I don't who keeps kicking the can over because they know like no one and have no furious enemies.

He's such a good Dad

And the two of them are still at it trying to make a spare heir, as afterall this is a legacy challenge.

Why So Serious Jackson?
Seriously everytime he smiles it looks like someone cut the poor kids face open.

Misty: *barks at mailwoman* + Plus Plus +

Back in the house it's now Henrys turn at Potty Training Faces.

Potty training faces make me lol to no end.

Someone remind me to fufil her wants.

And while Elizabeth is busy tucking Jackson in we find out...

...Just who the trashcan culprit is.


And that is all for this time but except Gen 2.3 very soon as it took me so long to put up this one you deserve the next one a lot faster.

Missed an update?
| 1.1| 1.2| 1.3| 2.1|

nasau legacy, 2.2

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