(fic) Ruby Red (G)

Nov 29, 2010 12:45

The first time Sam wrapped his mouth around Ruby’s arm and tasted the bitter tang of blood rushing across his tongue, Ruby had thought that Sam was stronger than he was. She had sat, waiting for Sam to get his fill, and she had been impressed with how long he sat, gulping down her blood. She had even needed to pull Sam away because he hadn’t stopped when she was starting to feel weak. Sam had definitely enjoyed it, and she had been sure he had felt the power flowing through him with each swallow.

But when she had pried Sam from her arm, he had fallen backwards onto the bed with a lazy grin, and Lucifer help her...he’d hiccoughed. She scoffed, rolling her eyes and looked down at him. “Really? You’re drunk on my blood?  Perfect.”


spnpromptcake  Prompt Table master post   HERE.


rating: g, fandom: supernatural, warning: blood play, writing: challenge, type: prompt, genre: gen, word count: under 1 000, community: spnpromptcake

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