(fic) News update (PG-13)

Nov 22, 2010 12:05

Chuck tapped his papers on the desk in front of him as the red light of the camera flicked on. “Tonight on WBSPN News Central, we bring to you the latest news coverage from the Fremont household. Recent sightings have confirmed that neighbours of the Fremont’s are banding together to keep the family trapped inside. Some sources have indicated that the demon known as Lilith has taken control of the household by possessing the young Fremont girl, and it is unknown whether the family understands that it is not their daughter they are conversing with. There has been confirmation that Freckles, the family cat, did not survive his encounter with the demon. Later, we’ll bring you the news first-hand about Sam, Dean and Bobby’s attempts to join with the demon Ruby to save the family, and ultimately save Dean from the fires of Hell.”

spnpromptcake  Prompt Table master post   HERE.


spoilers: s4, spoilers: s3, writing: challenge, type: prompt, rating: pg-13, genre: episode fic, word count: under 1 000, genre: gen, spoilers: 3.16 no rest for the wicked, community: spnpromptcake, genre: au

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