(fic) Who needs a picture (when I have you) (NC-17)

Nov 14, 2010 16:07

Cas was fed up. He’d been human for three months, and he was fed up. The feelings stirring inside him were driving him nutty when he tried to untangle the meaning of each. What he’d thought he understood was hunger one day turned out to be some malicious little bug Dean had called ‘flu’. Cas had never seen these bugs, but he was certain that if he ( Read more... )

fandom: supernatural, pairing: dean/cas, writing: challenge, type: prompt, rating: nc-17, type: comment-fic, word count: 1 000 to 10 000, genre: slash, community: spnpromptcake

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Comments 6

laraneia November 15 2010, 10:05:05 UTC
I like this, despite it's kinda unhappy ending. All I know is that Cas should never be allowed to work spells! :)


gwendolynd November 15 2010, 13:03:41 UTC
Haha! =) Thanks for the comment! Glad you liked it!


bohemie_reverie April 9 2012, 22:10:24 UTC
Loved this! Is there a follow up ? :)


gwendolynd April 9 2012, 23:31:20 UTC
=D There is no follow up. I'm glad you enjoyed!!


gwendolynd December 6 2013, 16:53:22 UTC
haha, delayed response ( I don't check mail often enough. lol ) But no, not in the plans anyway. =) Glad you liked it!!


gwendolynd December 6 2013, 16:54:03 UTC
Oh good it wasn't delayed response, just my email said I hadn't responded... lol *facepalm*


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