(fic) Break free of these walls. Come hide with me. (G)

Nov 06, 2010 13:12

Title:  Break free of these walls. Come hide with me.
Author: gwendolynd 
Genre: AU, J2
Pairing/Characters: Jared/Jensen, Sam, Dean
Rating: G
Word Count:  1,244
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
For  spn_cues    Prompt: obsession
spnpromptcake    Prompt: fatigue

Summary: Something's wrong with Jared and Jensen has been very patient, but all he wants is to help now. But can he help ( Read more... )

rating: g, fandom: supernatural, genre: h/c, spoilers: s4, pairing: j2, spoilers: s3, writing: challenge, type: prompt, community: spn_cues, word count: 1 000 to 10 000, community: spnpromptcake, genre: rps

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Comments 2

locknkey November 7 2010, 01:27:19 UTC
I liked this. It ends kind of creepy because you question who really needs help and if Jared is the only broken one. Very nice!


gwendolynd November 7 2010, 05:22:32 UTC
Oh good! I'm glad it came across right then!! I always worry that I think things come across fine, but that I also know what I'm thinking so others will not understand or it won't read properly. It's always great to hear what people liked and to find out something I tried worked!!

Thanks so much for your review hon!!


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