Changing Channels, Skipping Songs (gen fic for Summer_Sam_Love) G, complete

Sep 14, 2010 16:08

Title: Changing Channels, Skipping Songs
Author: Gwendolyn D
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters / Pairing: Sam, Dean, the Trickster
Rating: G
Genre: Gen
Spoilers: 5.08 - Supernatural (Changing Channels); 1.01 - Glee (Pilot)
Word Count: 5,591
Summary: Stuck in TV land to learn a lesson from the Trickster, Sam and Dean thought they had the game ( Read more... )

rating: g, fandom: supernatural, episode: tag, spoilers: 5.08 changing channels, writing: challenge, genre: episode fic, genre: gen, genre: crack!fic

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Comments 10

cece_away September 15 2010, 16:59:36 UTC
Glee? GLEE? And I thought Grey's Anatomy pushed the limits. Too hilarious. I would have loved to really seen that.


gwendolynd September 15 2010, 23:40:35 UTC
<3 Thanks!! ^_^ I thought it was rather amusing to picture Dean as a cheerleader. xD


sendintheklowns September 17 2010, 00:27:59 UTC
Oh, honey, this was wonderful! Super creative and well executed. You should be very proud!


gwendolynd September 17 2010, 03:51:16 UTC
Thank you so much! I had like 2,000 words written up until Sunday. Then I promptly changed the ENTIRE concept (it was initially going to be a 'you are deviating from your role, restart the day-groundhog day type thing') and managed to get it done. I'm very proud and very thankful to those who helped me believe I could do it!! <3


dtwilight September 17 2010, 20:15:29 UTC
I have never seen Glee, but I emjoyed your story :) Thanks for sharing.


gwendolynd September 17 2010, 20:57:09 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! (I've only ever seen the pilot!) <3


faye_dartmouth September 18 2010, 03:57:19 UTC
Wow. You COMPLETELY pulled this off. And you included the singing! It's actually very poignant in that way and I love this additional lesson that they had to learn before they could move on.

I'm so very glad you pushed yourself to finish it. I think the end product is most excellent--I will definitely be rereading :)


gwendolynd September 18 2010, 05:20:10 UTC
Wow, that means a lot to me Faye considering you saw the mess it was initially!!! <3 thank you so much! I look forward to keeping in touch with you!!


floralia2 October 31 2010, 11:48:14 UTC
Glee! You combined my two favourite shows (did I just admit that?) and you pulled it off beautifully.


gwendolynd October 31 2010, 16:08:35 UTC
Aww, I'm glad to hear that!! I've only ever seen the pilot for Glee, so I was concerned about it seeming wrong to people who actually followed Glee. ^_^

Thanks so much for reading and the comment!! <3


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