I'm baaaaaack !

Sep 19, 2015 22:30

Oh my gosh guys!! What's been going on!!! ??

I'm so out of the loop, and I miss writing and I miss all of you!!

Who's still around??

rl: squee!

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Comments 8

sailorhathor September 21 2015, 09:27:42 UTC
I'm too stubborn to abandon LJ.


gwendolynd September 21 2015, 14:15:15 UTC
Haha! Good! I'm sad that I did for a while. :(

How've you been??


sailorhathor September 22 2015, 06:33:03 UTC
I'm doing fine. Most people have left LJ so I don't always have people to talk to here, but I don't like any of the alternatives.


gwendolynd September 23 2015, 03:43:06 UTC
Hmm, fair enough. Well, I'm back, and hopefully back to writing soon too! I'm just...behind on my SPN episodes... =_=


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