T - 2 and 36 to go

Apr 13, 2013 22:46

I got 21 stowed away today. It was a frantic day with Novitiate running the intake room and Small Boy manning the Recep desk. We ran the day double booked, with me roaming between my own office and the intake room with stops at Recep to answer questions ( Read more... )

marriage, blue, countdown, island life

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Comments 4

fitfool April 14 2013, 05:53:01 UTC
Oh! I had been under the impressin you lived in that Maine cottage -- and consequently thought you must've been doing a good chunk of the town's tax returns ;-)
Are you in MA? Does MA get one more day to file if they get Monday off as a state holiday?



gwendally April 14 2013, 12:26:41 UTC
MA used to get an extra day because of the Andover Service Center, but processing moved to Hartford (partly because of this) and the Federal deadline is the 15th for us all. We have until April 16th to send the state stuff, though. Big whoop.

I live in Western Massachusetts. You drive through my small town on occasion. In some circles it is known for its Grange with good contra dancing.


crazyburro April 15 2013, 00:32:21 UTC
Whether it's April 15 or April 16 I find the deadline amusing, in a rather sad way. I don't get many 1099s - just a few. But most years at least one is amended, usually by March 20th.

This year's worse - I got two first-issue 1099s in mid-March, one because the company involved lost track of an account I closed. The other just wasn't ready to issue, apparently.

Yesterday I got an amended 1099. There's nothing at all complicated about the holding.

Has the tax or accounting regime become so complicated that payers can no longer get 1099s realistically issued by the deadlines?

Maybe I should just file an extension every year and aim for August 15th...


roasted_beets April 14 2013, 19:59:04 UTC
I love being at the cottage.

Maine needs you. You will bring some good weather, I hope!

My husband's computer died quietly in the night. He was expecting to do our taxes today.

I whipped out a spare, rescued his files and put that fire out.

He can have a nice new one for his birthday. :-)


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