Should people be allowed to sell their kidneys?
Let's say you are really healthy and a friend of yours is really unhealthy. You are inclined to help your friend, but really can't afford to take the time off of work and - honestly - want a little sumpthin sumpthin for your effort. You hear that other people get $10,000 in other countries for a good
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Comments 124
Nope, we're very, very far from that. Read the full text. Where in that text do you see any hint of compulsion?
It is a simple matter of personal choice at the end of life. I, for one, want to have that choice. As has been found in Oregon and Washington, many who avail themselves of the choice never use it. They just like knowing they have it.
You're welcome to your own choice. I object to you making mine.
In this case, where the bottom of the assisted suicide slope is that some people will be euthanized like pets, and we have a facility like "home", or the "suicide booth" from futurama, I still consider the option of preventing the most fundamental exercise of free will, and the moral atrocity that is exercising that option to be by far the worse evil.
Rule 1, I belong to me. You belong to you. Violate that, and there is no room left for any form of liberty. That's where *that* slippery slope ends.
How much difference would fully-funded health care make, do you think?
and when did people get all obsessed with 'health care'? 15 years ago i don't remember anyone american giving a crap about 'health care reform' and now they are obsessed with health care as some kind of grail that grants your heart's every desire.
1. Only one witness need not obviously benefit from the death. So dishonorable son Bob goes and finds his best drinking buddy to help him out. This is wholly inadequate - this is one of those areas where I believe we need the judiciary involved. Yes, more government. Yes, judges, or their minions, may have to make bed-side calls. This should not be witnessable by friends, family, etc.
2. An employer can sanction a medical care provider in their employ who participates. As such the immunities section seems weak.
3. And a less substantial issue: forecasts of the lethality of disease "within 6 months" are inaccurate, at best. Within a few weeks might be better.
ETA: I also haven't settled fully in my mind how I feel about people voting about medicine in general... I keep thinking about West Virginia and trans-vaginal ultra sounds and that really, shouldn't this all be the province of the FDA or other regulatory agencies. Y'know, the ones who actually understand medicine and what is/isn't necessary & appropriate?
Reality is something different because we've contorted the Commerce Clause.
But I don't really consider it appropriate for the states to regulate that a trans-vaginal ultrasound is required, either.
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