Death and taxes

Apr 26, 2019 16:33

I went to a really great training yesterday on Massachusetts Estate Taxes. Estate taxes are something almost no one thinks about (anymore) because the Federal exemption is around $12M. People with $12M have people to think about this stuff FOR them. In addition, it by defnition doesn't affect your actual life. If you lose a spouse you don't pay ( Read more... )

death, those bastards!, work, gydsu

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Comments 1

nervhq7 May 4 2019, 14:11:39 UTC
Though if you do put S corp stock in a credit shelter trust, peeps need to be aware of the elections for it, and the various disadvantages there of, and what the resolution will be (will be it be kicked out to someone else, stay in and pay the tax at the high rates, etc).


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