Happy things

Feb 08, 2017 00:36

I'm getting into a dark mood so I'm going to tell you some happy things ( Read more... )

blessings, joy, river, luck

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Comments 10

daphnep February 8 2017, 11:54:10 UTC

These are good things, and I'm glad you have them.

I'm also curious about you playing the lottery--that surprises me, given that you are an accountant and all, and I'd like to hear more--how often, what format, why. It seems delightfully out of character.


gwendally February 8 2017, 12:37:39 UTC
It's a good question! I do something as just as odd as you'd guess:

I buy a season ticket to the state jackpot lottery. I buy it on sale in the fall, pay $90, and get $102/worth of games. In return they don't send me some small winnings (is there a $2 win? I'm not sure) but if it's a larger win they send me a check in the mail.

So for $90/year I buy 104 chances to win roughly three million dollars. I'm always playing my chosen numbers, but I never bother to check them. Which is part of the point: I've bought myself dreams. I *might* have just won the lottery. I won't know until I check my mail.

It makes it so I can dream about being a big winner on long car trips, in boring meetings, or when having trouble falling asleep. It means the mail is more fun: there could be a winning lottery check in there. It assuages my OCD: I know my numbers are being played.

It's the only gambling I do.


daphnep February 8 2017, 20:36:38 UTC

And you do it ON SALE. God knows if there's a conscientious way to play the lottery, a Financial Advisor should be the one to suss it out and share it. This cracks me up, and I'm so glad you've shared this detail.


pondhopper February 8 2017, 12:38:30 UTC
I've seriously been considering a Roomba. We have all tile floors and an area rug or two and dog hair. Lots of dog hair. Your enthusiasm makes me want to invest in one.

Lots of good stuff! Congratulations to Small Boy on the college acceptances!

And I'm glad you sold the building!


gwendally February 8 2017, 14:06:58 UTC
The college hunt continues: he hasn't been turned down by anywhere else, but he's also hasn't yet been accepted.


Weight purlypuss February 14 2017, 01:46:04 UTC
I don't like my weight so I avoid the issue by not weighing myself. Do you find that it's essential? I exercise regularly and I try not to overeat or overdrink, but do you think it's essential? I'm wary. My parents weigh themselves regularly but they haven't made any body changes, so I'm wondering if it's not all that effective for people with a certain personality orientation.


Re: Weight gwendally March 13 2017, 06:04:06 UTC
I think the reason you parents haven't made any changes *may* be because they weigh themselves regularly. It keeps you from letting weight gains go unnoticed. For me, it keeps me focused on filling in the chart going in the right direction, sort of like a gold star on my paper. :-)


gansje February 27 2017, 16:25:02 UTC
I'm just getting back to LJ after far too long an absence and I'm delighted to hear about all the good things in your life right now! Hooray, especially for your kids doing so well and your having sold the building!


gwendally March 13 2017, 06:02:11 UTC
Can you tell me what's up with Browngirl? She sent me a rather scary hate letter today out of the blue - I've never heard of her before today. I feel like there's something I missed.


gansje March 13 2017, 21:52:57 UTC
Oh gosh, that's awful! I'll PM you.


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