Title: Mamihlapinatapai 6/6
Pairing: Cal/Gillian
Disclaimer: LtM not mine
Summary: A look shared by two people with each wishing that the other will initiate something that they both desire but which neither one wants to start. For Pineapple.
A/N: Mmmm on ff.net this chapter is labeled SEX for SIX. I'll let you draw your own conclusion :)
Best Christmas Ever )
Comments 13
He smells like fire, apple cider, and tidings of comfort and joy. You wonder if he's hiding Santa somewhere, but that would be ridiculous. Right?
So, have I told you that you're awesome and a genius? I love this. And yes, I would've shot you for not including the italicized parts. :P I love that Cal is hesitant and Gillian takes charge. Guh. Yes. Awesome. Even the angsty part before this. ♥
Thank you so much for you vereh kind words. Makes me glow :)
i think i've read this three times. the first time was as is. the 2nd time, i separated the italics from the non-italicized bits. lovely read!!! :D
thanks for making my day. i've been looking forward to this ever since you replied to my comment in the 5th installment. ;)
Thanks for reading and commenting, I always look forward to your comments!
I love that it is two distinct and seperate pieces merged into one. It reads great straight through and each piece is also complete. The spacing was masterfully crafted, beautifully composed. I liked that the sex wasn't explicitly thrown in our faces. It was hinted at, teased at, held tanalizingly close. And then you left the rest up to our more than capable imaginations. Brilliant. Simply brilliant.
I have read this series from beginning to end and have to say that it is one of my favorite Callian fics to date. So thank you for all your hard work.
I'm not a fan of explicit sex, that's a dirrrty as I get. And besides, I like imaginations to take hold at some point.
Thank you for your kind words. Make me happy :)
This chapter made me uncomfortable, and I mean that in the best way possible. I love your writing style, and you nail the characters perfectly, especially with their little quirks and intimacies. Given how realistic they come across, reading about them being intimate-intimate is kind of awkward, even this tastefully prosed. I maybe blushed. They just seem so ~private (okay, mostly Foster), you know?
Conundrums aside, hooray for happy stories. :)I liked it.
Glad you liked it :) Thanks for commenting.
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