Title: The Forever War Author: Terra aka conniferous Pairing: 4xD Warning/Rating: angst, T Status: Complete Summary: Quatre and Dorothy are locked in a forever war.
Oooh, yayzors! I'd thought everyone had forgotten about this challenge already. And it's darkfluff! Nice job. I totally love the last line. Well done, dude!
Nope. ^^ I thought I'd be a good new mod and uh...not forget the monthly challenge. I've actually got one more cooking up in my brain for "no options left." Thanks for reading! And that last line...well, Dorothy is the master of doublespeak. ^^;
Aww, thankies! I always wondered why Dorothy wore a headband and then I realized, she just wants people to underestimate her! And then, uh...I warped it into a sexual thing. ^^; Coughs. Glad you liked it.
Mm! Lovely-lovely! I seriously adore this piece. You write both of them so well. ::sighs:: Fantastic job and I really love the bit at the end. Sadly this is the only Dorothy icon I have on here at the moment lol.
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