Glitter - Part 6

Jan 19, 2004 03:17

Title: Glitter (Part 6 of 13)
Posted: pending
Type: Real People/Crossover Slash
Author: deleerium
Pairing: Orlando Bloom/Elijah Wood/Hugh Grant; Eric Bana/Billy Zane
Rating: NC-17 +
Summary: Monte Carlo (still). Punishments. Revelations by the pool. Familiar guests.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: here
Notes: Super thanks to the world’s best beta, summerfly. Would also like to give a gracious nod to the genius creators of the Shimmer and Flicker universe which was a source of inspiration. Shimmer and Flicker can be found here: [READ IT! It’s unbelievably fantastic.]
Additional Disclaimers: Though the Glitter characters have similar background circumstances to the ShimFlick universe, I've dramatically altered their personalities and futures. [ShimFlick hookerverse fanfic'd with respect but without permission]

Hugh sighed. “Good Lord.”

Orli and Elijah glanced across Hugh’s chest, each sitting next to him in the back of the limo. The limo was slowly working its way down the Mediterranean coast in the near-dawn light.

“He actually offered me a half million for the pair of you. What were you two doing?” Elijah and Orli blushed and looked down, suddenly fascinated by the limo’s carpeted interior.

Hugh’s lips twitched again. “I should have sold you while I had the chance.”

Elijah snorted.

Orli shot a small, slightly worried look up at Hugh.

Hugh chuckled and pressed a kiss to the dark curls. “It was a joke, Orlando. I would not give you away for any amount of money.” Hugh tilted up Orli’s chin and looked into the brown eyes. “You are not mine to give.”

Orlando smiled and leaned forward for a kiss. Hugh obliged him with a slowly deepening kiss. Taking, reassuring. Hot. Wet.

Orli moaned and shifted around in the seat, one arm snaking around Hugh’s waist. Orli was hard. Hard from dancing with Elijah. Hard from tasting Elijah. Hard from Elijah’s tongue. Now hard from Hugh’s mouth.

Fucking…fuck me. Soon. Hugh. Here. There. Lij. Now. Don’t care. Christ…

Elijah pressed close against Hugh’s side, almost…jealous.

Of who?

Elijah ignored the ridiculous question. Hugh felt Elijah restless at his side and gently broke the kiss with Orli, his breathing shallow. Hugh turned his head and found his mouth captured by flushed, insistent lips.


Orli started sucking on Hugh’s neck, his hand slowly stroking up the inside of Hugh’s thigh, the dark wool of the trousers sliding against the hard muscle underneath. Hugh shifted on the seat and spread his knees. Encouraged, Orli stroked higher, just brushing the join at the top of Hugh’s thighs with the tips of his fingers.

Elijah’s hand wormed its way under Hugh’s shirt, pulling hard at stubborn buttons, finally getting two unfastened and slipping underneath, nails scraping over a tight nipple. Hugh growled into Elijah’s mouth and dropped his arm from Elijah’s neck, his hand rubbing in slow arches down the muscular back, over the blue leather, squeezing and cupping the round cheeks that were raised off the seat. Elijah lifted up on one knee next to Hugh, taking the kiss deeper.

Fuck me. Fuck me while Orli swallows me whole. Let me fuck Orli. Just please. Someone. Anyone. Now.


Hugh felt the soft lips and tongue tracing his throat and moved his other hand down, over Orli’s shoulder, down the long back, under the silk shirt and down the cotton waistband, cupping the other round firmness he found. Hugh smiled into Elijah’s mouth at the soft moan of response from Orli.

The limo was within blocks of the hotel.

Hugh pulled away from Elijah’s mouth. Elijah and Orli did not stop moving their lips, tongues, teeth, and hands over Hugh’s body. Each still dazed, hard, wanting, impatient for fucking.

Would have stroked each other senseless against the pillar, were it not for Hugh.

Would have sucked each other soft, were it not for Hugh.

Would have fucked each other hard, now, please, yes, don’t stop, were it not for Hugh.

“Boys, enough.” Hugh’s voice was low, his breathing slightly ragged.

Orli and Elijah both paused, hesitant, and a bit startled.

Hugh’s never told us to stop. Anything.

Slowly, they sat back on the seat next to Hugh, both young bodies vibrating with desire, heat, lust, a mindless need to fuck and be fucked.

Hugh rubbed his hands slowly up and down the firm backs, occasionally reaching lower to squeeze at a round cheek, eliciting an occasional groan or soft sigh. “I realize you may not have known, but the people I was playing cards with were business associates.”

Elijah and Orlando went very, very still.

Oh shit.

Hugh felt the sudden tension in the two forms against his side and repressed the urge to laugh. “I’m not mad, and you didn’t do anything wrong. However, in the future, I would appreciate just a bit more…discretion.”

The limo rolled to a stop in the hotel driveway. Two very quiet, still horny young men stepped from the car, followed by Hugh. Hugh waited until they were in the elevator before speaking again.

“Come here.”

Elijah and Orli had been staring at the floor, both silent and caught up in their own thoughts. Guilt. Ignorance. Chagrin. They instantly plastered themselves to Hugh’s sides, each laying a head contritely on a hard shoulder. Hugh’s hands continued to play up and down their backs, his stroke becoming more deliberate. Suggestive.

The elevator opened on the penthouse floor, and Hugh walked them down the hall and into the suite, dropping his arms. The two young men headed for the bedroom. Hugh’s next words stopped them in their tracks.

“No. Follow me.”

Hugh walked to the master bath and stood next to the huge shower enclosure. He stood there for a long moment, considering the still flushed, glitter covered, beautiful pair in front of him. Hugh let the silence grow.


Elijah and Orli looked up startled and confused.

“Aren’t you going to undress me?”

The two young men moved silent and swift. By unspoken agreement, one pulled the jacket from Hugh’s shoulders, the other worked on the fastening of his trousers. A myriad of thoughts raced through the two young minds.

He’s not mad.

Worse, he’s disappointed.

And now, he even had to ask for us to undress him.

We should have known. Should have anticipated. Should have begun before he even knew.

A year ago, I would have known.

A month ago, I would have known.

What’s wrong with us?

Suddenly, the desperation they had been experiencing since the casino faded. Sex was no long uppermost in their minds. Fixing the sudden disaster that was their relationship with Hugh was a new priority.

A naked Hugh stepped into the shower and turned on the taps. He stood under the hard water for a few moments, then sighed, turning to the boys. They were standing awkwardly outside the shower, looking at Hugh. Rather like two kicked puppies. “Well? Clothes. Off. Now.”

Elijah and Orli were naked in less than thirty seconds.


The two boys stepped into the steamy enclosure. Hugh moved out of the spray and let each of them under, the hot water running in shimmering streams over their glitter covered bodies. Hugh handed Elijah the soap and Orli the shampoo.

When the boys were clean, Hugh raised an eyebrow. Immediately one began to lather his smooth torso and the other shampooed his hair. By the time he stepped under the water again to rinse Hugh was rock hard.

Hugh didn’t have to say anything.

The two boys dropped to their knees in front of him. Slick hot tongues slipped out to slowly caress his hard length, licking up both sides with a synchronicity that made Hugh ache. Two tongues chased each other around the wet head, two tongues lapped and tangled around each other, moving in a rhythm that had Hugh dropping his hands, fisting in dark hair, his head arching back at the delicious sensations running in ever changing patters up, down, around, over and along his hard length.

Elijah and Orlando’s entire focus was on giving pleasure. They knelt in supplication, hands running up and down Hugh’s legs, between his thighs to gently cup the tense sac just behind his hard length. Soft sounds of contentment rolled out of their mouths and bathed Hugh in their apology. Their adoration. Their need.

Their earlier excitement returned, doubled, threatened to overwhelm the two kneeling boys. But they ignored the ache between their thighs. Wanted Hugh to feel pleasure. Wanted Hugh to come.

Orli moved away from Hugh’s cock, bent his head to draw first one then the other of the sensitive globes into his mouth, sucking soft and licking delicately until Hugh moaned and began to thrust into Elijah’s mouth. Two dark heads brushed against one another. A long fingered hand crept around Hugh’s hip and probed gently between the slick cheeks. Hugh arched into Elijah’s mouth and spread his legs, pushed back into the tentative caress. Moaned again when a fingertip breached the tight ring and wet, slid in a knowing curl, searching until Hugh bucked gently against the two kneeling boys. Moaned again. Elijah. Orlando. God. Yes. More.

Elijah sucked harder, his world narrowing to the wet, silky length driving back and forth between his lips, across his tongue, down his throat. He opened his mouth wide, pushed down until the entire length was buried in the back of his throat. Swallowed, and slid back, licking again. Sucked firm and knowing. Pushed forward. Swallowed.

Hugh was panting, fists tight on the two heads, sensation overwhelming him. He thrust harder into Elijah’s mouth, felt the back of the tight throat. The delicate brush of Orlando’s knowing hand inside, caressing that beautifully dark secret pleasure point. Again. And again.

With a low shout, Hugh’s hips bucked and jerked into the mouths. The hands. The tongues. He came slow, deep and shaking, his knees suddenly locked, pumping over and over into the liquid heat.

The sucking slowed, gentle soft caresses of tongue and lips. The finger slid out, the hand rubbing caressing circles across Hugh’s hard hip again. Soothing. And needy.

Hugh sighed and opened his eyes, looked down as Orlando and Elijah pulled back, still kneeling. Their erections full, slick with water, eyes dilated with need. But their bodies were still. Waiting.

Hugh held out his arms. “Up.” He kissed the rosy lips with a slow caress of his tongue, felt Elijah press his hardness into Hugh’s thigh, the narrow hips pushing in little thrusts against the slick skin. Hugh gently moved him away. Elijah was complacent, only a soft sigh escaping as his hardness was nudged away from the delicious sensation. Hugh kissed Orli, sucked on the soft tongue, ran his hands down the firm ass, felt the gentle pulses of Orli’s arousal against his hip. Hugh gently turned him away and stepped out of the shower.

The boys were pink, rosy from the shower. Trembling with arousal.

Hugh let them dry him with soft towels, then made them wipe the water from themselves. Watching that they only rubbed long enough to remove the water.


The two boys controlled the urge to run and throw themselves on the bed, writhing in supplication. Instead, they calmly walked in front of Hugh, the cool air of the rooms caressing their hot, hard skin.

Hugh climbed between the sheets, waited for them to settle on either side, turning towards him. Before they could touch him, he rolled to his stomach. “Good night.”

Hugh waited for a full minute, listening to the sounds of Elijah trying to control his rapid breathing. He heard the low, hurt sigh from Orlando, who wouldn’t think of moving to the other room.

Elijah shifted restlessly, needing desperately to touch, rub, feel, come. Quiet, denied release, his focus shifted to his own state. He struggled to relax. It helped that Orlando was no better. It did not help that he was still here. Elijah thought of the smooth skin, only a few feet away. The tight heat. The soft sounds.

Orlando knew he and Elijah had been wrong. Knew that he could not leave Elijah alone. Not to this. Hard, desperate to touch, to be touched, Orlando stayed on his side of the bed. Thought of Elijah. Elijah’s hands. Elijah’s mouth. Elijah pushing him up the bed, over the arm of a couch, along the sand, against the wall.

“Elijah. Orlando. I’m not mad at you.” Hugh listened as the two panting breaths stopped suddenly, then resumed. “And I’m certainly not going to leave you two like this.”

There were two soft gasps. But neither boy moved.

Hugh sighed. “I apologize for not telling you that those were business partners. I know that, had you known, this evening would never gone as far as it did. I will try to do better in the future.”

Hugh found himself the recipient of two soft, wet kisses to the back of his shoulders, two to his cheeks, and first one then the other to his lips. He chuckled softly as the two boys settled back on the bed, two hands pressed against Hugh’s arms. But they did not make any other move.

Hugh opened one eye. “Well?”

The breathing stopped again.

Hugh turned to look at first Elijah, then Orli. “Why aren’t you two fucking each other through the mattress yet? I’d like to sleep at some point in the near future.”

Hugh grunted as Elijah vaulted and was half dragged over his back, landing on top of Orli in a tangle of warm, sliding limbs. Hugh turned his head to watch, a small smile on his face. For a moment, there was only the sound of tongues locked in desperate battle, hands fisted in damp hair, legs twisting together under the sheets. Gradually, the first desperate moments subsided.

Elijah licked Orli’s bottom lip, teasing until Orli lifted his head off the pillow, mouth open, eyes narrow slits, wanting the hard tongue back, deep, fucking, now. Elijah licked again, then dropped his head, thrusting hard into the back of Orli’s throat, swallowing the low moan.

Elijah breathed hard into Orli’s mouth then moved his head around to Orli’s neck. Orli turned his head to the side, pushing into the hot caress, lips parted, damp, moaning softly as Elijah licked and bit his way down the soft column of throat, reversing the path his mouth had traveled just an hour earlier. In the casino. Against the pillar.

Elijah wriggled down the long body, pausing to rub their erections slick against each other, moving away when Orli moaned and arched up into the caress. Elijah flicked his tongue, licked flat and wet, bit soft. Moved down. Down. Sharp teeth surrounded a hard nipple and bit gentle pressure, sucked then licked-bit hard.


Orli groaned and twisted under Elijah, pushing his chest into the open mouth. Orli pushed his hand under Elijah’s flat stomach, scooting across the damp skin, and reached for Elijah’s hard length brushing between his thighs. Orli curled his long fingers around the warm, silky slick erection.

Elijah nearly came off the bed. He released the tight nipple from between his lips, cursed and cried out softly, thrusting into the firm grip with jerky movements of his hips.

“Boys.” Hugh’s voice broke into the erotic play. Elijah struggled to be still, Orli’s hand slowed, but he continued to rub his fingers around the slick head of Elijah’s cock. Breathing hard, eyes glazed, they both turned to look at Hugh.

“You are just beautiful together. But you are also very loud. And I’m exhausted. Could you take it to the living room?”

Two pairs of eyes blinked at Hugh. There was a flurry of arms and legs. And the boys disappeared.

Hugh chuckled as he watched Elijah pinch Orli on the ass as they chased each other across the room and through the door, letting it swing shut behind them.

Hugh smiled, sighed and closed his eyes.

They snapped open again when he heard the door bang against the wall.

Elijah, naked, flushed and still very hard, ran back across the room to the nightstand. He fumbled in the drawer for a few frantic seconds, then leaned quickly across the bed to press a hard kiss to Hugh’s laughing mouth before spinning around and disappeared back out the door.

Hugh laughed until his sides hurt. Elijah had been carrying the largest tube they had and an entire string of six condoms.


Orli was standing by the window when Elijah came back into the room, one arm holding back the long curtains, shoulder propped against the wall next to him, staring into the first rays of dawn. Orli turned to face him and Elijah’s breath caught. Golden light filtered over golden skin, making it glow copper in the early sunrise. Orli was half facing him, muscles tense, eyes black, cock still hard, moving as a soft shadow between his thighs.

Elijah prowled across the room towards Orli, his blue eyes glowing hot intensity at the beautiful boy across the room. Halfway across the room, Elijah ripped open the foil packet. Three-quarters of the way across and the condom was already rolled into place. Four-fifths and a slick hand was stroking up and down the rigid length.

Orli swallowed hard as Elijah got closer. And closer. Not stopping. Reaching Orli with arms outstretched, pushing, turning him and Orli hit the warm wall with a low thud, palms barely catching himself as Elijah pressed skin to hot slick skin all along his back. Then moved slightly to the side.

Orli’s eyes fluttered closed and he gasped, fists curling into the wall, scrabbling as two slick fingers pushing into him, no warning. Thrust and twist in the tight heat, the burn of Elijah, Elijah’s hand making Orli whimper and try to twist away until a strong arm pushed against his neck, trapping him against the wall, and the fingers twisted again. There. Perfect. This time Orli bucked back into the touch, a soft scream escaping his parted lips.


Elijah moved the arm off Orli’s neck and replaced it with his teeth. Hard and sharp. Orli moaned and tilted his head, pushing his neck into the wet pressure, his palms flattening against the smooth wall, holding steady. Elijah moved his mouth an inch. Bit again. Licked. Another inch. Another hard bite. Licked again. Across, over and around Orli’s neck and shoulders.

Elijah’s fingers rubbed and prodded the slick hot nerves with every bite. Orli shuddered and pushed back into every caress, his soft groans and gasps making Elijah bite harder. Stroke slower.

Orli’s forehead rolled against the hard wall, his eyes tight shut, the sheen of sweat at his temples leaving damp patterns on the light paint. Elijah pulled his fingers away. Orli’s eyes opened and he turned to look at Elijah over his shoulder.

“Just…fuck me…”

Elijah stared back into the wide, black, glittering gaze, and bit down hard as he thrust inside, in a sharp desperate movement. “Yeah…” Orli’s chest hit the wall, his arms flexed to hold his body upright, just slightly away from the wall and Elijah pulled back and thrust in again. Hard, sharp movements of his hips, over and over.

Orli’s fingers scrabbled against the wall, damp with sweat, whispered curses against the plaster, arching back into the thrusts. Elijah’s movements grew erratic, harder, pushing Orli into the wall with a powerful lift of his thighs, driving Orli up on his toes with a low curse and another groan. Orli moaned and lowered one hand towards his own aching length, wanting to come. Come with Elijah. Elijah grabbed the hand and yanked it behind Orli’s back, growling low “Not yet.”

Orli pulled on the tight grip, fighting to get his hand back. His other arm was trapped, holding his body away from the wall so he could breath, thrust back. Elijah bit him on the neck again, then licked soft, rubbing his forehead against the sweaty skin. “No, Orli. Wait.” Elijah’s voice was strained.

“Why?” Orli growled out the question and twisted his arm, struggling against the vice of Elijah’s hand.

“I want to watch you come.”

Orli closed his eyes, the hard shudder catching him unaware, his limbs going liquid with pleasure at Elijah’s words. Orli relaxed into the delicious invasion that was Elijah, encouraged him with low moans and soft gasps, black eyes slanted, gazing over his shoulder, his hand now loose, held tight against his lower back by Elijah’s fist. He ached with pleasure. But he could wait.

Elijah wanted to watch him come.

Elijah felt the liquid change in Orli’s body, rolled into the tight heat with deep, aching thrusts. Close. Closer. So close. There.

Elijah screamed and jerked into Orli’s body, his thrusts lifting Orli off the floor as his hips ground into the hard cheeks, his cock suddenly pulsing with pleasure, exploding deep hard fast as he came, pushing over and over against the loose, lovely, whispering boy against the wall.

“Orli…” Elijah sighed and released Orli’s arm, letting the long body drop an inch back to the floor, rolling his lips against a sharp shoulder, along the dip at the top of Orli’s spine, tongue soft and languid as the last waves of pleasure washed up through his thighs and out between his legs. Elijah let out a last shuddering breath and pulled out, fumbling with the condom.

He blinked barely sated lust at the sweaty form leaning against the wall, cheek turned against the light surface, eyes closed, still panting hard and fast.

Elijah turned Orli around, and pushed him back against the wall, his mouth finding the panting lips and licking around the edges, waiting for the soft moan, the long hands to slide around his shoulders, into his hair, pull him close against the hard body.


Want more Orli…



Elijah thrust his tongue deep into the slick heat, behind the perfect teeth, licking at the low, nearly desperate sounds from the too hot perfect mouth. Elijah’s hands stroked soothingly up and down the long back, over the round cheeks, gently squeezed, caught the soft whimper as Orli ground into his hip, rubbing the hard length against Elijah’s sweaty skin.

“Wait, just…” Elijah reached between their bodies, gently stroked the hard cock pressed against him once. Twice. And moved his hand down, cupped the soft sac between Orli’s legs. Stroked once. Stopped. Orli’s eyes blinked open, mouth pulling back, a hurt anxious word hovering in his throat. Then he looked down. Elijah was hard.

Hot hard Lij. Again…

“God, Lij…”

“Shhh…” Elijah stepped away, pressed his hand against Orli’s chest for a brief moment, telling him without words to stay. Elijah turned and bent to the floor. Picked up another foil packet. Tear. Sheath. Another squeeze of the tube and he was back, pressed against Orli’s needy skin again. A gentle push. Thud against the wall.

Elijah smiled against Orli’s lips. Licked them again. “Dance with me, Orli…” Orli moaned and Elijah cut off the sounds with his lips, and moved his hand back further between Orli’s legs. Still slick fingers stroked circles around the tight ring. Orli sucked on Elijah’s tongue, soft licks of delight, needy thrusts of his hips against Elijah’s, brushing his wet erection against Elijah’s.

Elijah slid his other hand between Orli’s legs, both hands sliding to the backs of Orli’s thighs, tightening on the hard muscle, pushing them apart.

And UP.

Up the wall. Off the floor.

Orli gasped, clutched at Elijah’s shoulders, his eyes wide, mouth open on a soft question, trembling as Elijah lifted him. Up. Elijah’s chest pushing against Orli’s, pushing Orli into the wall as his hands lifted Orli’s legs around his waist. Higher.

And told him to hold on.

Orli’s head went back against the wall, legs locking behind the muscular hips, arms flexed and pushing down on Elijah’s shoulders, lifting up higher and there, felt there, just enough for Lij to…


Elijah snarled desire and lowered Orli onto his cock with a slow flex of his shoulders.

Pinned Orli to the wall.

And began to fuck him.

Slow, deep, perfect movements of his hips that had Orli crying out, head rolling back against the hard plaster, hands and arms twined around Elijah’s neck, clutched hard at the dark hair as Elijah nailed him with steady, slick sliding glides, breathing deep against Orli’s shoulder.

Eyes closed, Elijah could feel every millimeter of slick flesh around his hard length. This time he could feel the ripple of every muscle in the beautiful boy against the wall. He could feel the panting breaths against his hair, his ear, his lips.

“Lij…” Elijah felt the whisper and rolled his head, caught the thin pretty lips with his own. Matched the thrust of his cock with the thrust of his tongue. Just as slow, just as deep. Felt Orli shudder, shiver tremble shake against the wall, needy flickers of Orli’s tongue against his own, soft mewls of sound pushing air between their lips.

Elijah moved his mouth back until just his lips touched Orli’s. Whispered words across the sweaty, open lips.


“Lij…” A soft response of breath.

“Want to watch you…”

“Lij…” Another low, soft sound of tight pleasure.

“Do you need…”

“Lij…God…no…just keep…” Orli shuddered when Elijah shifted, lifting him up slightly, getting better grip on the sweat slick skin. Orli keened on the next thrust of Elijah’s hips, nails digging into Elijah’s shoulder and hair.


Elijah settled his mouth against the slick lips, tongue pushing into the open heat, matching his thrusts again, both wet, slick lengths driving in tandem into Orli. Against Orli.

Fucking him against a wall.

Good Christ…this is…so tightslideripple…




Orli rode the thrusts higher. Higher. Trembled tight in Elijah’s arms. On Elijah. Legs arms lips around Elijah. Rode higher. Each tandem invasion pushed him along, close, closer, hovering, aching, nearly over, perfect, falling, flying, exploding.

Orli’s eyes opened, staring into bright blue orbs, lips pulled back from Elijah’s, and he screamed silently, mouth open with no sound, arching off the wall, nearly sending them to the floor as he came, the hard jerks shaking his body, still supported by Elijah’s cock hips thighs, straining to hold him steady as the hard waves wracked the sweaty, breathless boy. Orli sucked in a sharp breath and sobbed a sound into Elijah’s mouth. A name. A plea. Pleasure. Awe. Release.

Elijah felt a shiver pass through his body from his toes like lightening, shooting out his fingers, racing up through his chest and out the sweaty, spiky ends of his hair. Felt Orli’s release pour out of him, a ghost echo of one of his own. Elijah smiled into the still whispering lips, stroked his tongue into and around the soft wet whispering heat, felt the sharp jerks of Orli’s hips become slow languid rolls of enjoyment, still feeling Lij deep, hard, slow inside.

“Beautiful…” Elijah whispered the word across Orli’s lips. Felt the soft murmur of response against his mouth.

Orli pulled back a centimeter. Smiled languid pleasure, arched his head around to Elijah’s ear. Licked bit the lobe. Whispered again. “Fuck me, Lij…”

Elijah gasped, his breath stuttering short sharp, his cock suddenly twitching hard, twice as close, adrenaline pushing his thighs harder up into Orli, arms lifting now, lifting Orli up, then down, meeting the hard lift of his hips.

Orli licked at Elijah’s ear again, his hands sliding soft through the dark hair, rubbing against Elijah’s tight shoulders. “Fuck me through the wall, Lij…”

Elijah growled and turned his head, bit down hard on Orli’s neck and lifted him again, high and thud back against the wall hard. Pounding up into the tight perfect slick perfect hot perfect ripple. Orli braced himself on Elijah’s shoulders, one arm along the back of his neck, and reached down, fingertips searching…there.

Orli pinched the tight nipple hard, rolling it between fingers, plucking and flicking the tip, watching the blue eyes snap to his, the flash of glitter in them before Elijah slammed up once, twice, three times and shouted. LijandOrli…

Orli moaned soft and dropped his lips to Elijah’s mouth, rode the hard shaking judders of Elijah’s hips as he came pounding still up and into Orli. Orli sucked hard on Elijah’s jerking tongue, clenched his muscles tight and Elijah screamed into his mouth, staggered and leaned against Orli, hands slipping suddenly from under Orli’s thighs. Orli unwrapped his legs with quick grace, Elijah panting against his mouth, lifted once more and slid out.

Orli barely steadied his feet on the floor and caught Elijah to his chest, legs shaking but steadier than the gasping, blue-eyed boy. Orli kissed the open mouth, tongue stroking soft against full lips. Elijah shuddered and wrapped his arms around Orli’s waist, leaning hard into the slender body, unable to stand. They breathed against each other, sweatsticky chests sharing the breath.

A cool wall pressed against Orli’s back.

Sunlight glazed Elijah’s hair.

Dawn made the room glow.

Elijah let out a long shuddering breath and stood upright, on his own. He fumbled the condom off then pulled Orli away from the wall, arms wrapping around the slender waist. Four long steps and Elijah fell back onto the couch, pulling Orli down on him with a sharp tug. Orli untangled their limbs, stretching out on his side, pulling Elijah over to face him, hands resting on hips. Feet crossed between calves. Foreheads pressed together.

Orli sighed. A soft chuckle filtered through the sound.

Elijah opened his eyes. “Huh.”

Orli brushed a damp hunk of hair off Elijah’s temple. “You fucked me against a wall, Lij.”

A slow, Cheshire grin crossed Elijah’s face. “Yeah.”


Elijah chortled. “Oh, yeah.”

Orli chuckled again, then sighed pure, sated pleasure. He leaned forward and pressed a damp kiss to Elijah’s mouth. Felt the answering pressure of Elijah’s lips. Soft. Slow.

Elijah left Orli’s mouth and traced a lazy trail across a sharp cheekbone with his lips, eyes opening as a hand lifted to tangle in the damp black curls. Orli moved closer, sighing softly, felt Elijah’s lips and hands wander over his skin for long moments.

“Lij?” Orli reached for Elijah’s wrist. The one with the platinum bracelet wrapped around it. Gently, Orli started twisting the bracelet around Elijah’s wrist, his long fingers playing with the warm metal.


“How did you know?”

Elijah pulled his head back, one hand still playing in the dark curls. “Know what?”

“That Hugh was…playing. Tonight. At the casino.”

Elijah shrugged with one shoulder and moved his hand, fingers stroking the hard silk of Orli’s neck before moving to his shoulder, wandering in slow, almost absent minded circles across the warm skin. Orli’s hand followed Elijah’s, still rubbing the platinum bracelet. Elijah’s fingers traced the edge of Orli’s collarbone, fingering the marks. The shallow, red indentations were the shape of Elijah’s teeth.

Elijah watched his own hand caress the skin. Mine…

Elijah moved his hand down, the backs of his knuckles stroking the hard plane of Orli’s chest before they turned on a slow roll, his thumb rubbing lightly over a nipple until it tightened and Orli shifted, pressing into the caress.

“I have been living with him for over a year. He wouldn’t do that. Not without asking.” Elijah shifted on the couch, sitting up just enough to lick the soft skin just under Orli’s ear. He kept up the steady, feather light rhythm of his thumb on Orli’s now pebbled nipple.

“Oh…mmmm…ok.” Orli closed his eyes and turned his head, pushing his neck into the caress. Elijah bit gently along the sharp jaw before settling his lips over Orli’s. Elijah kissed him lazy, exploring, thumb still playing. Elijah slid his other arm under Orli’s neck, wrapping his arm around the warm skin, the dark curls tickling the firm muscle of his forearm. Gradually, Elijah pulled Orli’s head closer, tighter against his mouth, tongue licking first soft and shallow, then deep. Slow. The rhythm of his mouth was deliberate, primal.

Orli moaned quietly around the steady tongue. He pulled away, breaking the kiss for the barest moment. “I love that your tongue fucks my mouth the way your cock fucks my body.” Orli’s voice was a husky murmur. Elijah tightened the arm around Orli’s neck and yanked him back into the kiss, his hand leaving the hard nipple and sliding around to Orli’s back. Elijah slid his hand down Orli’s flank and behind to fist the firm flesh of one cheek, fingers kneading the soft skin.

Orli pressed closer, entwining their thighs with slow flexes of his legs until he was pressed against Elijah’s hip, hard again and craving more than just the steady stroke of Elijah’s fucking tongue. The two bodies began a gentle sensuous rhythm, sliding against the dark silk of the oversized couch.

Legs hooked around the backs of knees, then moved between thighs, occasionally changing the amount and location of skin on skin. Hands palmed and stroked the smooth texture of slender hips, a narrow waist. Arms reached around, over, along, down and back across the slowly heating flesh of muscled backs.

The arousal was exquisitely slow, each young body climbing up towards certain release at an almost leisurely rate. Until the kisses became loud, slick and hard. The hands skipped against damp skin, and the blood pumped into full, wet, pulsing erections. Erections that slid and bumped gently against each other, the sometimes perfect glide up the underside of one or the other eliciting a gasp, or low moan.

Orli was hot. He felt Elijah’s hands stroking him, tongue licking him, body sliding against his. He could feel Elijah, amazingly hard again, wet and sliding against his own length. Could feel Elijah’s hands dig into the muscles of his back, shoulders and hips, nails scraping hard against the skin, delicious lines of sensation that remained long after Elijah’s fingers had moved on. Felt the roll of Elijah’s tongue against his, around his mouth. Tasted Elijah. Wanted to taste Elijah.

Orli untangled his legs with a smooth twist of his body, and broke the never ending kiss, moved his mouth immediately down the damp neck, along and over a hard shoulder. Orli moved Elijah’s arm out of the way and started sliding off the couch, his knees headed towards the soft carpet as his tongue painted a random trail down Elijah’s side and over a hip.

Elijah’s breathing was deep and ragged, his senses focused on the skin. The hands. The thighs. The knees. The calves. The hips. The cock. The curls. The arms. The lips. The tongue.

His. Orli’s.

Elijah licked his own lips, eyes closed, tongue still moving in liquid, back and forth movements inside his own mouth, still tasting Orli. Elijah’s head suddenly arched back, a small movement followed by a low gasp.

Orli licked the head again, tongue flat, swirling over the top, tasting Lij. Tasted again. Took just the head, sucked gentle and light until there was more, a drop of Elijah to taste. And licked again.

Elijah’s fingers combed through the dark curls, flexing against the scalp in gentle pulses as Orli…Orli…




Mmmm, yes…


Tasted…God, yes…taste…he’s tasting me…

Elijah sat up on an elbow, mind swirling with the sucklick of Orli’s mouth, but needing more. Needing to taste too. Taste Orli… Elijah reached for Orli’s shoulders, tugging with strong insistence until Orli released the head of his cock from between the red lips and turned to look at Elijah, impatient.


Elijah sighed and pulled again at Orli’s body, one hand reaching down to tug at a leg, the other pulling on Orli’s neck. Vaguely confused, completely aroused and somewhat annoyed at being stopped, Orli finally stood up next to the couch, leaning over Elijah, one arm on either side of the blue eyes.

Elijah grunted and pushed Orli’s torso away, down, over his own hips. And reached for Orli’s thighs, tugging again. Orli turned in a half circle, moving at Elijah’s insistence for a second before he understood.

Oh. Oh…yes…

Orli swung a leg over Elijah’s head, his knees coming to rest against the tops of Elijah’s shoulders. He placed his hands on either side of Elijah’s hips, then dropped to his elbows, hands pushing underneath Elijah to slide along the backs of those hard, flexing thighs. Orli felt Elijah’s hands slide around his back and down over his ass, until they were wrapped tight, fingers digging into the backs of his thighs, pulling them apart. And down.

Orli lowered his head and licked once, delicate. He jumped, a small movement of his hips when he felt an identical lick on his own erection.

I wonder…

Orli turned his head and this time only licked the small patch of skin under the head. Slow. Twice.

A soft moan joined the breath out of Orli’s mouth as he felt the sensitive skin licked, in just the same place, on his own rigid length. Slow. Twice.

Fuck, Lij…

Orli swirled his tongue around and over just the head, then sucked soft, drawing it into his mouth. He moaned again when he felt the echoing tongue, the soft sucking on the tip of his own arousal. Orli lowered his head, sucking the silky length deep into his throat for a brief moment, tongue still lapping at the hot skin, then lifted his head, kissing soft, licking the tip with slow, shallow flickers of his tongue. He trembled when he felt his own length sucked wet and deep into the back of Elijah’s throat, then released, the echoing flickers of Elijah’s tongue.

Elijah was sinking drowning in the sensations caused by Orli’s mouth and tongue around his hot length, concentrating only on repeating the soft wet glides of the hot mouth on the hard length above his head, felt soft sucking, so sucked soft. Felt the tongue taste and swirl, and matched the swirling with his own mouth, until they were lifting and lowering their hips in slow, shallow movements, the rhythm of mouth and cock, sucking and being sucked, wet tongues and lips slowly emerging as a repeated dive into heat, pulling out, diving again.

Lij…sucking licking swallowing tasting…come on, Lij…

More, Lij…

Elijah listened to the soft whimpers coming from the body above him, echoed their pleading with low moans from deep within his chest. Elijah grew impatient with the slow, shallowdeep sucking of Orli’s mouth, but continued to follow Orli’s lead. Elijah wanted to show Orli what it was doing to him, pulling him apart by slow increments until it felt like he was Orli, sucking on his cock, could feel the silky length sliding back and forth, he was Elijah and Orli. Lij and Orli.

Elijah choked out a growl around the hot length between his lips as Orli suddenly took him deep, sucking harder now, head moving in a fast rhythm, tongue dancing around over and along Elijah. Elijah tightened his hands on Orli’s thighs, pulled the muscled legs further apart, the hips lowering.

Come on…wanna taste you…

Elijah was poised, hovering and near frantic on the edge of ecstasy. He felt the shudder in Orli’s hips, the sudden dip of Orli’s body, the uncontrollable thrust of the hard length into his throat and his own hips jerked, involuntary, deep. Felt Orli sucking fast hard quick, a low humming moan vibrating around his length, and Elijah gasped, thrust higher, felt the first uncontrollable jerk of his hips into that perfect mouth.

Elijah sucked and licked frantic, swallowed around the length buried deep. Orli jerked and Elijah felt the first liquid pulse roll over his tongue deep into his throat, held Orli’s thighs hard, nails biting deep into smooth skin as Elijah swallowed and thrust, pumping into the smooth throat and suddenly jerked up hard, buried deep, heard the small swallowed sound from Orli’s throat, around his cock and jerked again, swallowed again, swallowing Orli’s taste, and came, pulsing up and up and up and lifted his hips, driving them into the tight wet hot sucking perfect mouth.

The two gleaming forms shuddered into each other, moaning whimpers eliciting more soft licks until Orli pulled back, licked soft just once more, a gentle kiss and jerked his hips up, to the side, away from the still licking tongue on his sensitive flesh.

Orli and Elijah sighed low, breathing replete moans across each other’s skin as Orli shifted to the side and collapsed, his head resting against Elijah’s shivering thigh. Elijah untwined his arms and reached for Orli’s leg, pulling the slick thigh under his own cheek, turned his head and bit gently, followed by a damp kiss before sighing, his eyes fluttering closed, one arm still wrapped around the smooth flesh, the other hand cupped across a golden flank.

Orli slowed his own breathing, rubbed his cheek against the ropes of muscle, licked just once more against the salty skin and sighed, his own eyes blinking shut in the morning light.

Upside down beauty tangled with dawn, and slept.


Hugh sipped his coffee tugged a lapel closed on his robe. He stood next to the couch, staring down, a small smile on his face. And took another drink.

Elijah had rolled to his stomach, one arm wrapped around the inside of Orli’s thigh, his head pillowed just above it, warm breath skimming the surface of golden skin. Orli was curled on his side, a long arm draped over Elijah’s legs, his black curls brushing the back of a hard thigh where his head rested. One long, slender leg was thrown over Elijah’s shoulders, his other bent at the knee, pushed under Elijah’s neck where the dark head rested against his thigh.

Hugh admired the lovely sight of the intertwined, upside down boys. Exhausted, yet peacefully satisfied.

I’m lucky to have Elijah and Orlando but…


They are blessed to have found each other.

I wonder if they even realize it.

Hugh smiled and shook his head slightly, taking another sip of coffee. His blue eyes wandered once again over the tangled forms, wondering how that could possibly be comfortable. For either of them. Hugh’s gaze flitted down from Elijah’s face to Orlando’s. He was surprised to find chocolate eyes staring up at him, blinking open in the bright light of morning.

Orli smiled, just the corners of his lips curling up. “Mornin…” His voice was a soft whisper of sound.

Hugh leaned down and pressed a kiss to the dark curls. “Good morning yourself.”

They spoke in near silent whispers. Elijah slept like the dead, but it was better not to risk waking him before noon.

Hugh stepped back and took another sip of coffee. “I was headed for the pool. Care to join me?”

Orli smiled, lips splitting to display an easy grin. “Just give me a bit to shower, yeah?”

Hugh smiled in response and watched as Orli slowly and carefully untangled himself from around the comatose Elijah. Elijah grumbled something unintelligible then wriggled back into the soft silk of the couch, his breathing quickly returning to deep and even.

Orli blinked as he stood, rubbing one eye with the soft pads of his fingers. He yawned hugely then leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Hugh’s cheek. “Won’t be but a sec.”

“No hurry. I’ll wait.” Hugh watched the slender, naked form pad across the room and disappear into the bathroom.

Hugh frowned as he watched Orlando’s retreating back, his chest tightening with sudden worry.


“Orlando, are you…alright?”

Orli turned his head to look at Hugh, laying in the lounge chair next to him. Orli looked puzzled. “Yeah, ‘M fine, Hugh.”

Hugh cleared his throat. “You would tell me if Elijah was too…rough with you, wouldn’t you?”

Orli looked at Hugh in astonishment. “What are you on about, Hugh?”

“You have marks, Orlando.” Hugh’s face was tight with worry.

Orli looked down at his own chest, then over his shoulder. “What…oh.” Orli saw a rather perfect imprint high on his shoulder. Of Elijah’s teeth. He shifted on the chair and felt the small reminders of where Elijah’s nails had left stinging lines across his back and thighs. Along with quite a few more bites. Ah, Hugh’s comparing these to the ones from…that night.

Orli’s soft laughter took Hugh by surprise. “Hugh, it’s ok. I’m fine. Really.”

“But, they’re…”

“Hugh.” Orli laid a hand on Hugh’s forearm. “This is different. I wanted these marks.”

“Oh.” Hugh blinked. “Oh, I see.”

Orli tilted his head and looked at Hugh. “I’ll ask him not to anymore, if it bothers you.”

“No, no, no, Orlando. I just wanted to be sure that you weren’t…hurt.”

Orli stared into Hugh’s eyes. “He would never hurt me, Hugh. And neither would you.”

Hugh finally smiled, his body relaxing back into the chair. “Yes. I know.”

They both leaned back in their chairs, enjoying the peace of the pool in the relative cool of mid-morning.

After a few moments, Hugh broke the silence again. “Elijah tells me you’ve made some friends while you’ve been here.”

Orli shrugged and stared across the water. “Yeah, a few. Nothing special.”

Hugh turned to look at Orli. “Why don’t you invite them over to the hotel? Have a swim or something. You and Elijah don’t have to spend every waking moment with me, you know.”

Orli looked over at Hugh. “Well, there is a party tonight. Some of the guys from the water ski place have a house on the beach.”

Hugh smiled. “Excellent. You should go. And be sure Elijah goes with you. He needs to do more socializing, not spend so much time locked up with his computers. I have a dinner meeting anyway.”

“Are you sure?”

Hugh sighed, a bit exasperated. “Orlando, you’re both young. You need to enjoy life a bit. Go out, make friends, get drunk once in a while. If it makes you feel better, I’m asking you to go. Please. And take Elijah. He definitely needs to get out more.”

Orli grinned. “Ok.” Orli flashed Hugh a mischievous grin. “But don’t wait up for us, yeah?”

Hugh chuckled. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” They lapsed into comfortable silence for another few minutes.

“Orlando, one other thing.”


“Patricia tells me you haven’t talked to her in two weeks. And you haven’t asked me anything about the markets in nearly three. Is everything ok?”

Orli jerked his head to look at Hugh, a slight blush crossing his face. “Uh…yeah. Everything’s fine.”

“How fine?” Hugh’s expression brooked no argument.

Orli broke the gaze and stared down at his hands. “Well…” Orli looked up at Hugh, his face expressionless. “I’ve doubled my money.”

Hugh coughed and stared at Orlando. Then grinned. “Why, Orlando. I do believe that makes you a millionaire.”

Orli grinned back at Hugh, suddenly animated and enthusiastic, his words tumbling over one another. “Really? I didn’t know if just one made me a millionaire or not, but see, I bought French futures earlier this week, what with all the melodrama about the Middle East, and I figured that they’d wait a bit before throwing in the towel and so I waited about thirty six hours and bam! They went up forty percent, I mean the franc just rocketed up towards the pound so I let them go day before yesterday and well…” Orli finally breathed. “That put me over the top.”

Hugh grinned at Orlando’s enthusiasm. “How much over the top?”

Orli looked smug. “One million, two hundred and eighty five something…or thereabouts.”

Hugh laughed, the sound carrying across the pool. “Or thereabouts. I’ll bet you know exactly how much you have.”

Hugh laughed again. “Well done, Orlando. Well done. You know, You should tell Patricia, really. She’s been a bit anxious.”

Orli flushed at the combination of Hugh’s compliment and mild admonishment. “Well, she told me I could triple my money in ninety days, so I was kind of waiting until…”

Hugh laughed again, this time sitting up in the chair, his guffaws doubling him over. “Oh, my. You are priceless, Orlando. But please, don’t torture the poor woman any more. She’s proud of you. We both are.”

Orli glowed with the praise, he sat up and leaned towards Hugh, intending to thank him with a kiss when a voice interrupted him.

“Hugh? Is that you?”

Hugh turned towards the sound, startled. Orli watched the expressions cross Hugh’s face, finally seeing joy and pleasure. “Eric? Eric!” Hugh stood up from the lounge chair with a quick movement, meeting the other man half way across the deck. The two men wrapped their arms around each other, the stranger burying his face in Hugh’s neck, squeezing him hard for a long minute before pulling back.

Orli stared at them in amazement, a strange though suddenly occurring to him.

Elijah wasn’t Hugh’s first boy.

Hugh brushed a lock of dark hair away from Eric’s face, one hand still clasping a broad shoulder. “How are you, Eric? Everything well?”

“Wonderful, Hugh. Simply wonderful.”

“How’s your architectural business going in New York? Well, I hope?”

“Couldn’t be better. I have two new partners and business is simply thriving.”

“I’m so glad. I knew you would do well, Eric.” Hugh and Eric were still clasping hands, standing close in the morning light.

“Thanks to you, I’ve done better than I ever imagined.”

“No, Eric. You would have done well, regardless. So tell me, how’s…Billy, isn’t it?”

Eric blushed slightly. “Fantastic. How did you know?”

Hugh raised an eyebrow. “Please. I keep up with these things.”

Eric laughed and pulled Hugh in for another hug. “You always have.” Eric pulled back and wrapped an arm around Hugh’s shoulder.

Hugh reciprocated with an arm around the flat waist. “What are you doing here? Is Billy here with you?”

“One at a time, old man. I’m here on vacation, and yes Billy’s here too. He’s the reason we’re here. Had to meet with some investors for his new project.” The two men reached Orlando who was laying back on the lounge chair, watching them intently from behind dark shades.

Eric glanced down at the young man and started slightly. My. What a lovely young thing. Normally, I’d think Hugh was up to his old tricks, but they were talking business. Perhaps he’s an assistant.

“Orlando, this is an old and dear friend, Eric Bana. Eric, Orlando Bloom.”

Orli lifted his shades off and leaned forward. The two men shook hands politely.

Hugh turned to Eric again. “Eric, you and Billy must join us for dinner while you’re here. How about tomorrow night?”

“That would be wonderful Hugh, I’ll check with Billy this evening.”

“Excuse me, gentlemen. I have some business to take care of and I’m sure you’d like to catch up. Hugh, I’ll see you for lunch?”

“Yes, Orlando. And could you please tell Elijah that I’d like to see him.”

“Will do.” Orlando cast a glance at Eric before stepping close to Hugh and kissing him quickly on the cheek. Hugh wrapped an arm around Orli’s waist before he could escape, one hand tilting up Orlando’s chin. Hugh kissed him slow and deep, one hand cupping Orli’s cheek. Hugh pulled back and brushed a dark curl off a blushing Orli’s forehead. “I’m proud of you, Orlando.” Hugh’s voice was quiet and sincere.

“Thank you.” Orli’s reply was soft. He turned away and snatched up his towel before disappearing back into the hotel.

Eric whistled. “Old man, you’ve outdone yourself this time. He’s beautiful.”

Hugh stared thoughtfully after Orlando. “Yes, quite. Devilishly smart too.” Hugh turned back to Eric with a quick smile. “Now, tell me all about Billy. You’ve been together now for what, three years?”

Eric laughed. “You haven’t changed a bit, Hugh. Not a bit.”

Continue to Part 7
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