Appointments' Post!

Jan 01, 2020 11:24

Handy Dandy Appointments' post for luceti!

*appointments post

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Comments 19

September 19th-ish // Action notpunishingyet October 3 2011, 10:50:22 UTC
[When Vash and Milly had offered him a place to stay, he had been unsure of intruding. But... well, they seemed pretty nice, and Vash was little Vash-man, that would take some getting used to. When it's nighttime he finally enters the bedroom and sits down on the edge, cross left in the corner.]

You guys have a really big house. Bigger than a lot of the ones back home.


Re: September 19th-ish // Action gunsnpudding October 3 2011, 11:23:26 UTC
[Milly is turning down the bed for him having already made it up with nice clean sheets. She's managed to find some pajamas for him too, and they're folded neatly at the foot of the bed ready for him.]

It is, isn't it? We're still getting used to it, it's a very nice house to live in. Now do you want me to get you some hot milk to help you sleep? Have you brushed your teeth or- oh! Would you like to have a bath before you sleep? It's a nice way to help you relax, and then you can climb into bed and be all clean and comfy.


Re: September 19th-ish // Action notpunishingyet October 4 2011, 10:04:29 UTC
[sdfdskjflkj you're a really talky person!

What question does he even answer first??]

What... uh...



Re: September 19th-ish // Action gunsnpudding October 9 2011, 12:06:39 UTC
Well alright then, you get into your pajamas and I'll go and get you some nice hot milk. Make sure you brush your teeth before you get into bed, okay?

[And now she's derping off to the kitchen to get you some milk (don't you go ignoring her orders to brush your teeth young man or she'll be cross >:[ ) and she comes back up not long after with a blue mug full of milk.]

Are you ready for bed?


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