hi baby. why every of my internet friends are going on vacation? like you, starbie, & sara at somewhere else, although there are only 3 or more but there are like a lot as you guys mean a lot to me! i always love stock icons, so have you put yours at stock_icons or you do not know that? or you have put already? btw, i have opened an icon community: modelflirted. if you think you will like my work, go join! & i want to be affliates with gunshott! so if you like me or my work, add my community, & i will add you back if you want. ttyl.
Hey I just thought I would let you know I've created a new graphics community & was wondering if you'd like to affiliate? My old community was linethewalls however it will be staying open & I will be having more makers so you can keep that one there too or you can remove it & just have my new one.
Comments 8
My new one is creamsodas.
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