I have had one hell of a busy week as of late and it's been all good.
A few weeks ago, I helped my friend
oddgardner move into her new house and met one of her friends, Farrah, who was also helping her move. We got along pretty well, mostly because we're both pretty big social media whores and because she's really wanting to get into roller derby. This past week, I saw via Facebook that she got Pac Man Fever and was going out with some friends for food, drink, and arcade games. I sort of invited myself to tag along. I ended up having a blast playing Ms. Pac Man, skeeball, and giant Jenga. I need some more practice before I can take Farrah at Ms. Pac Man though. She's good.
Thursday I mention something about REPO: The Genetic Opera to her in passing and she took to the idea like a goth kid to eyeliner. Who knew? Apparently she's a big fan of musicals and opera. So Friday night she, her boytoy, and I we met at the Lakewood. I don't know how well Adiel liked it, but Farrah's a fan now. She's trying to get the barhopping that corresponds to her birthday to include a stop at the next REPO show in two weeks. That one's going to be a drag show, with all the female parts being played by men and vice versa.
Later Thursday night, I also got to hang out with some of my derby friends. One of Vi's friends got free tickets to a sneak preview of KICKASS and invited me. I enjoyed it. Imagine the goofiness of Mystery Men, the gadgets of Batman Begins, the vigilantism and violence of Boondock Saints, and a little girl assassin like in The Professional, and you've got a good idea of the movie.
Saturday evening started with a pub crawl in Lower Greenville organized around Foursquare. I was able to talk derby to a lot of new people. It's a damn shame I didn't have any business cards to hand out. After that, I headed up to the Barley House for our Assassination City Recruiting Party. I got to meet all of my girls and I got to introduce Farrah to several of them. Once I teach her a bit about skating, she'll be ready to be fresh meat. MUAHAHAHA A bit afterward, several of Farrah's friends showed up and I got to have some deeper conversation with them while dividing my time with my skaters.
Sunday I went to Scarborough Faire and met a couple of friends I know through derby, Vi, Julius, and Justin.
bluewolfcv was also there, but she was working the belly dancing booth. And when I say she was working the booth, she was working it. :) Seriously. Best. Boss. Ever. She also introduced me to another of the dancers, Ruth, and it turns out she's pretty cool too.
Side note: This is getting kind of weird. I've gotten like 3 girls' phone numbers in a week. What the hell? Admitted, 2 of those people are in relationships, but still. I would never use the adjective suave to describe me, but something's changed. I'm thinking it's part good fortune that I've been surrounded with smart, funny, and interesting people and I've played on that, and partly a "necessity is the mother of invention" kind of thing, only more like, "Desperation is the muse of courtship" or something.
Second side note: Why the hell is it every time I go to a Renaissance faire, it's always assumed by at least one vendor that I am one of my friends' significant other? This year, the proprietor of Scarlett's Corsets assumed that me and Vi were a couple. Last year, one of the vendors selling collars and leashes assumed that Megan and I were a couple. It can't be that I'm sending out some sort of relationship vibes. I've not been in a relationship for something approaching 4 years. What gives?
Oh, did I mention that in addition to this insanely full week, I had training from 7AM-5PM on Thursday and Friday and that I went to work immediately following Scarborough? Yeah. This weekend has left me completely wiped out.