I had nothing better to do and decided to take some screencaps of the (very few) changes in SE III.
Most of the differences in this SE were, relatively minor changes in dialog. Nothing big like the AsuCaga kiss scene in the first SE.
(For people on dial-up, it's 44 pics 175x97 thumbnails. The actual pics are 350 x 195.)
First off is something that isn't actually a change from SE III, but from SE II that appears again at the begining of III. I didn't notic it in II and I didn't recall anyone else pointing it out, so I figured I'd mention it.
The scene of Savior being totaled is changed so it's PS armor fades as it's destroyed. (I had randomly noticed one day that in the original it's PS stays activated, and thought it was strange, so I liked seeing that fixed here.)
Although this isn't exactly new footage, it's placement was nice. During the scene in the rain where Meer insists she's Lacus, there are several scenes from episode 47:
As well as scenes of her from concerts. Then, when she says she prefers to be Lacus, we see her as herself and the real Lacus.
I though that worked well.
The next thing I noticed was in the AA infirmary, Cagalli is pasted in. At first I though that was kinda stupid, since Athrun is still concerned only with Kira not being dead (he did think Cagalli died too) and seems to kinda snub Cagalli.
Then I watched the scene a little closer and realized the real reason Cagalli was there. They changed the way Kira pushed Athrun back down and I about died XD.
He even tucks him in now. ♥
As an after thought, they have Athrun acknowledge Cagalli's there.
During the scen where the AA learns the Eternal is launching, Meyrin now randomly visits Athrun. (Apparently this SE is about showcasing all of Athrun's harem.)
And when Neo contacts the bridge, instead of relaying Athrun's message, Athrun says it himself.
Also, although Kira looks at Cagalli there, he doesn't say anything about Strike Rouge. He just runs to the hangar and takes it! XD (Apparently this SE is also about Kira stealing all of Cagalli's things.)
A note on the modified dialog, since there's apparently been some debate about his meaning. In this scene:
Kira's line is changed to "I'm glad I made it in time.".
The scene with Strike-Freedom using it's DRAGOON's is edited so that SF has it's not-Wings-of-Light:
Makes the scene prettier, I think. (kirakira shiteiru)
And, of course, the new ending:
(Is it just me, or does naked!Kira have boobs?)