Gundam 00F manga spoilers

Apr 26, 2008 16:08

So I got the June 2008 issue of Gundam Ace today and scanned the relevant pages of the 00F side story manga. This should clarify what is going on re: episode 25 of the anime.

Zip file of all the pages I scanned (not the entire chapter, it was really long, sorry) The chapter is F07 and the title is ラストサポート (Last Support)

The first 10 pages or so show Fon returning to Felicity's (Feleshite??? I dunno how to write it in English) ship with Hanayo. The crew is debating about whether or not to help Celestial Being. Fon's like "whut, why do I have to help those other guys" (the Meisters). Anyway, after much discussion Hanayo says that Veda can't see them any more, there is no longer any record. It's like the Meisters are being purged from the data banks or something? I dunno. I confess I am too lazy to try and understand what she is talking about.

Hanayo's access to Veda allows her to see exactly what is going on.

"Celestial Being is..."

battle in progress scenes

"The ringleader is..."


Fon: What's wrong?
Hanayo: Celestial Being... has been destroyed.

Everybody goes homg.

The battle has ended in various locations
Hanayo: There it is.

They pick up the solar reactor
Hanayo: There's a Kokurengun ship near here, perhaps the Meister was taken as a POW. Should we rescue him?
Fon: Ha! These Meisters can't even wipe their own asses.

The awesome page that was posted the other day of Patrick getting kicked in the crotch. 8D

Next target, seized.
That over there?
[closing in on what's left of Nadleh]
Hanayo: (thinking) Tieria!

There's no solar reactor. It's already been ejected.
Well, then we don't need it.
Hanayo: Fon, wait!

This boy.. has also lost Veda
So young, I want to help him
If I just reached out my hand... [this is a very literal translation btw]
Fon: Hanayo.

Hanayo: Fon?
Fon: Let's go.
Hanayo: ...Okay.

Tieria is left behind... looking slightly like an inflatable sex doll. but let's not focus on that just now

The last two pages are just a shot of the Earth in space with the text:
In the year 2308 Celestial Being was crushed by the Kokurengun.
And the Earth united as one...

(End of Gundam 00F The First Chapter)

Then there's a two page spread summarising previous 00F chapters. Last, two pages with a teaser for Gundam 00F The Second Chapter, which shows Wang Liu Min trying to snag the solar reactors from the Felicity group, who don't seem entirely thrilled with this idea.


So basically we know nothing about Setsuna from this, we don't know if Allelujah was captured but there's a good hint, and the last we know of Tieria is that his sexy ass was left drifting in space to die.


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