China Day One/Two

Oct 01, 2009 10:27

Not many of you know (lol) that I've taken a wee trip to China. Beijing, specficially.

China - in which I Babble about Food. )

china 2009

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Comments 7

pansy_rocker471 October 1 2009, 18:19:07 UTC
Good to know you got there ok. The food sounds awesome!


pansy_rocker471 October 1 2009, 18:48:02 UTC
Me again. I figured you wouldn't be doing a lot of surfing so I thought you'd want to see this


guiltyin_design October 3 2009, 01:47:29 UTC
Awesome hon thanks! But notice no pics of his feet. Boo! ¬.¬ I'm actually able to browse the web more than you think (when Lewis isn't playing weird online games with his brother on the computer. It's disconcerting to be reading a book and then have both their computers say "An enemy champion has been slain!" or "Draith is G-G-G-GODLIKE!" Odd. )

Unfortunatly China is like 7 hours ahead anyways, so when I'm online all you sensible people are in bed. Plus, Lewis won't let me put messenger on his laptop. D=

Hope the shop is ok with the halloween rush - although I expect some amusing stories about silly girls and their daft costume ideas ;) And I also hope Leon and Bertie are behaving themselves.


deaths_bluie October 1 2009, 18:50:51 UTC
Didn't know that about Amsterdam airport's museum, nice way to prevent you spending your money while there.
I guess it is only reasonable that they would have such tight control for swine flu especially after bird flu.
Sounds like you are having a great time so far. Food sounds amazing and ever so delicious. Sorry to hear not all of it was too your liking.
A giant LCD, it sounds like a handy way to make sure people could see the Olympics when they were there in town.
I knew I forgot something, I was hoping to see that parade on tv. China can do a really great show if the Olympic games were something to judge by.
XD Italy has the same thing for public toilet I think it may be for hygiene and to save on water due to the lack of it.
I hope you have a nice time there, my friend says its a great place to be.


guiltyin_design October 3 2009, 01:51:12 UTC
Yea, the parade was freakin' epic. It went on for several hours in the morning, and then that evening it went on for another few hours. With loads of fireworks (naturally). The best ones (for me) were ones that went up into the air and exploded into smiley faces. That was definatly cool - fireworks need to make more expressions.

I'm not sure about the toilets being in the floor for hygine/water reasons. The toilets are actually a little less hygenic here - although that does depend where you go. Tina (Lewis' Mum) has told me some horror stories about some of the loos she's been in, but the one squatting loo I've used so far was lovely and clean, and flushed just as much as any other loo. I think it's just a culture thing. Like the spitting in the street. YEEEEUCH!


diadelosmuert0s October 3 2009, 22:18:26 UTC
Ooh I read both your China entries there and I'm loving them! So jealous, it all sounds wonderful! I love hearing all about different foods, keep describing them please. ;)

Can I just ask, did you go for a bank account there because it was an option to keep your money safe there or is it something they require you to do when you are there for a certain amount of time? Not an important question, but just curious. :)

Also, how long you away for? xxx


guiltyin_design October 4 2009, 11:41:36 UTC
It was pretty much just an was an easier thing to do. I brought close to £600 cash, and considering most things end up costing under a tenner, it was a logical thing to do. I would never have thought of it for myself, but it was so "simple" to do John said we might as well - and I'm glad as it means I'm not hiding cash from the cleaners in my room, or walking about with lots of it feeling nervous. xD

I'm away until the 16th of October - will need to meet up with you after and catch up, and do some drinkies for your belated birthday ^_^


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