There has been a lull due to decreased interest, but after discussion we have decided to go ahead with the group and see if we can't make it a profitable exercise. I'll reiterate the format here.
Facilitator: Myself. Responsibility for the project and decision making will be handled as a group, but I will take responsibility for general issues of organization and resolution.
Session Leaders: Myself,
yechezkiel. We will alternate session leader roles in sequence, in two week periods. We will begin the session by assigning a reading from the text. Readings will generally be expected to be in sequence (skipping the Preface), and commensurate to the given period and casual commitment of the project, though ultimately choice and length are up to the leader. At least once during the period, the session leader will post an initial commentary on the assigned reading. This can be done immediately, in the middle of the period, or at the end; multiple commentaries can be posted either by theme or by breaking up the reading into sections... however the leader feels like doing it. The session leader is expected to get discussion going but we as a group are responsible for the discussion as a whole.
Participants:. Open. Participants take responsibility for the success of the project and engage in the discussions begun by the session leaders, or are also free to make their own posts on the assigned readings and issues arising from them.
Texts and Resources:
The primary text will be Hegel's
Phenomenology of the Spirit in the Miller translation. Those wishing to follow that do not have access to this text may wish to consult
the online version at the
Marxists.Org Hegel page. NB though that this is a different translation. This webpage in general has a lot of helpful resources on Hegel.
Participants are also encouraged to consult
Stern's commentary on the text. There is also a helpful
glossary at the Marxists site.
Other Notes:
Roles and other rules are open to change. Some others have expressed trying out session leader roles on a non-usual basis, and others may wish to join in if there is increased interest. Anyone interested in suggesting changes to the format or leading a session could contact me or bring the suggestions to the attention of the group here.
I will lead the first session and make a post to get that started by the end of the week. Pending any changes, the three of us will then alternate in the order listed above.
Thanks everyone for their support so far.
The Miller translation is (incompletely)
available online through Google Books.
And there is an English translation with parallel German text by Pinkard
available online here.
The full Miller translation and other works are available through
Intelex Past Masters for those with access through their school.