Mar 20, 2008 12:07
[Police force filter;]
In the interests of organization, I am attempting to construct a list of those within the force, as one does not appear to exist currently. In an attempt for completeness, I would request that all active members of the police force please fill out this form as best they can.
I would suggest that the information be disclosed privately; this is, however, completely at your discretion. The compiled list will be made available to those with subordinates within the force upon request, unless a different requirement is thought necessary.
Rank or position held (if any);
The below information is optional; however if you are at liberty to divulge that information, please do.
Direct superior;
Thank you for your cooperation and patience.
[ooc; Epic organization project is a go. Textarea boxes for your copypasting convenience. ♥]
responsibility's my middle name,
work work work,
police force,
my notes need an overhaul,
no rest for the wicked,
i'm not actually an encyclopedia srsly,
just doing my job here