In an effort to get things under control in my life, I'm tackling a great PROBLEM - all the emails I've stored up and not replied to for the last few years. I'm resolving to print them all out (all 100-even of 'em) and reply to them in print before just compiling them. So, there will be five per day. I've spent the last few minutes laughing hysterically over those little in-email roleplays we had in our emails
angelica_love. Want copies???? XD
I'm also gonna try my hand at losing weight again, but this time I'm taking a rather systematic approach. This weekend I'm gonna rearrange the kitchen and put all the junk food somewhere I can't see it. Out of sight, out of mind. I'm also gonna put the pots, pans, plates, etc. in some semblance of order. The more ordered my surroundings, the more ordered my thoughts. Chaos makes me hungry.
And now, I have a funny story! Yesterday I had to work switchboard (my favorite -_-) and some guy from Arkansas called for directions. I spent about 15 minutes on the line with him, arguing about the best route to take and he asked if the roads were damaged down here due to the hurricanes. I told him that we got more flooding than wind damage then he laughs and says that I must be a transplant and not a "swamp feeder" cuz he can actually understand me when I speak. Now, you know I have unadulterated pride in my heritage, so the following ensued:
Me: Nope. I'm a true coonass born and bred. Been livin' near the marsh all my life.
Him: You're a what?
Me: Coonass, sir.
Him: Oh, well, ya know there's all those movies that show ya'll eating snakes and all . . .
Me: Never ate a snake, sir. Never spoke French either.
Him: Well, um, I hope you weren't offended.
Me: How can I take offense when there's all those factual movies to learn from, sir?
Him: Yeah. Er, have a good day, ma'am.
I wish I could have told him where to stick it, but I don't wanna get fired over ignorance.
Anyway, I don't have anything important to say, but I do have some offerings:
FANART: Robin and Raven from
emaniahilel's fic,
Trial and Error. Done in pencil (what else do I use?) during work on my to do list which was actually written on the back of one of my call sheets XD
There are a few things I don't like but many more that I DO like. Oh, Raven is wearing underwear. My mother seemed to believe she was bare-bottomed and I was like NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! They aren't DOING anything though I can't account for what was going on BEFORE this sketch ^_~
Annnnnnddddd In a Galaxy Far, Far Away:
Purely Art-Based -
- Kysra