The following is a story that I have been tinkering with for a year and a half. I have gone back and forth on parts of it. It starts off on a rather heavy note, but lightens up to match the title. I can only “hope” it works for you all.
Pairing: Miranda / Andrea - ‘cause I just can’t seem to care about any others.
Caroline and Cassidy are with us on
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Comments 15
First, I thought this was insightful:
"...Miranda has to keep things fresh and inspiring. Otherwise it’s no better than a WalMart sale flyer."
Second, Andy's analysis of Miranda going from DEFCON 4 to 5 was pretty funny.
Third, Miranda's meltdown probably would have happened sooner or later. Andy is invested in the relationship but she didn't realize how invested Miranda really was. Now they know.
Nearing the end? That's just sad. But then I can always re-read it.
Thanks for the read.
Thanks for pointing out the specific bits. Good to know what people jive with.
Next chapter is in the works. Depending how it develops it might be one of two more... or last w/ an epilogue. You have been forewarned
Thanks again.
I do love the dialogues, they are different than the first ones in this fic and are evolving with this story. Hope that you'll be inspired by this one for more stories. With or without granola.
Inspiration runs amok (amok amok amok) I find I am constantly distracted from finishing this (now epic) tale. I have ideas and conversations spinning about my head. sort of like the dog in teh movie "Up"... "squirrel!"
But, for you all, I plug along, and smack my little head against my monitor, and cough up these maturing dialogues. God, what drek :)
I am so glad you stayed w/ this for so long. Just... a few... more... days *gasp* And then I'll go off on another romp.
Kudos to Miranda for couching her defense of their relationship in terms of their need to appreciate the intelligence, maturity and level-headedness of their daughter rather than making it about her.
And kudos to you for another lovely installment. You always serve up something worth savoring.
You like what I did there? It didn't feel right for Miranda to get all self righteous and "in your face". Taking the "this is how it's gonna be- so deal with it" attitude. Besides, parental argument was never really centered around Andy coming out... it was all about her not making the "right choice". Miranda saw it and went with it. Showing her absolute support of Andy in the process.
And, thank you. Very lovely compliment. Coming from you, it humbles me. Thanks.
Always a pleasure to know I've given someone a smile (giggle, chuckle, guffaw... whatever).
Amazed at the "all time" comment. I am honored, realy. Thank you.
Please enjoy the wrap up.
Thanks for the head nod. Appreciate it.
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