I can see the point they are trying to make, but I think they're going about it the wrong way. If someone did that to me, I'd view them as very annoying, and a nuisance.
One of my problems with this is: What, exactly, does it accomplish? How about instead of doing this, go and sign up people to vote, and start petitions to get anti-gay laws repealed, and things that actually mean something. And, yes, I know you can those things and dump glitter, but... I dunno, it just feels like an empty, pointless, and possibly even counter-productive gesture to me.
All of the above, plus this: Most of the time, it's not the candidate or their entourage who are cleaning up the mess. At best, it will be done by the group who offered to host the debate/town hall, at worst it will be done by whichever janitorial staff member who was unlucky enough to be assigned to that event. Congrats, you've just made a huge mess, made your cause look completely juvenile, and caused more work a minimum wage worker who has more than enough shit (sometimes literally) to deal with.
Comments 7
While it's certainly a good laugh and fun to watch the glitterbombings, ultimately they don't seem to help much, if at all.
Also, holy shit do I feel old calling people older than me "juvenile". o.O
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