A lot of people were very surprised about the gay marriage ruling in Iowa. After all, we don't typically associate the midwest with progressive politics (yes, I know there are pockets, but you know what I mean). Iowa isn't exactly a red state, but it isn't really a blue state, either, and small rural communities tend to be socially conservative (or
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Comments 7
It always amazes me how easy it is to amend some state constitutions. It shouldn't be taken so lightly. So I'm glad it's more difficult to do in Iowa.
Senator Tom Harkin: "It will be hard for many in our state to accept,” he said. “But these people on the court are not left-wing people. They are mainstream individuals, and the opinion was unanimous. I daresay it is very representative of Iowa. And many Iowans may say, ‘If the Supreme Court said this, maybe I have to think anew.’”
Hopefully that's true. And as stated above me it will be a lot harder for this to be reversed. Hopefully Iowa will have none of that nonsense.
Meeting with reporters, Senate Majority Leader Michael Gronstal, D-Council Bluffs, was clear about proposals to begin the process of amending Iowa's constitution to overturn the decision.
"It will not come up," said Gronstal. "I have no intention of taking it up."
"The politics of it are I'm not going to put discrimination in the Iowa Constitution," said Gronstal. "That's a horrible idea. The people who are pushing the amendment are saying equal protection under the law -- except. I think that's unacceptable."
Imagine that! Gronstal is a decent human being.
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