December posting 6: Ransom of the Red-Headed League, HL/MCU Opportunities-verse

Dec 07, 2016 00:28

Yet another WIP, chapter 1 is up now at the AO3; I ran out of time to finish fixing things in chapter 2, so it'll go up tomorrow at the AO3 and the whole thing to date will go here.  After that I know some of the impending madness, but not all.

Sorry to be so late!

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writing: the good crack again, writing: discussions, characters: rebecca horne, crossovers, meme, characters: sean burns

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Comments 6

springwoof December 7 2016, 12:36:24 UTC


gryphonrhi December 7 2016, 20:54:42 UTC
::laughing:: now I have to finish editing chapter 2 -- I got informed that SHIELD's hierarchy was BS and we were now fixing it -- which is taking a few. 3 freaking pages should not take this long except did I mention rewrite and new OC? ::sighs:: It's a good thing I *like* Agent Holzer.


springwoof December 8 2016, 02:23:24 UTC
It was delicious so far!


gryphonrhi December 8 2016, 04:56:57 UTC
Thank you!


springwoof December 8 2016, 02:31:39 UTC
Oops, meant to write more & hit "post" too soon. (BTW, regionalism in English--I was told that "hit" marks me as a Yankee from the Northeast. Yankees "hit," Midwesterners "press," and Southerners "mash" buttons [or button-like icons]. I have no idea what Westerners do!)

I am very much enjoying your Highlander & Avengers crossovers! Matthew and Steve are obviously headed somewhere good, and the Red Headed League is way too amazing to exist in this reality (which is why I'm dancing in my seat about you depicting them!)

I'm also enjoying your Southern Comfort new chapters. It's been too long since that bit of complicated delight.

You're really giving very amazing Advent gifts this year--thank you so much!


gryphonrhi December 8 2016, 05:01:11 UTC
::laughing:: Southerners mash physical buttons, but I haven't heard it in use with computers. We hit 'em too.

And thank you! Matthew and Steve is turning into a lovely friendship and oh god, I laughed so hard at the idea of mashing those two title tropes into one Opportunities-verse fic. (And damn it, Southern Comfort is getting finished if I have to enlist all of y'all to cheer-lead me through it!)

You're very welcome!


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