End of Innocence comments

Aug 20, 2012 16:01

Yeah, I've said it before I suspect, but I'll say it again:  "End of Innocence" makes me wonder how Joe resisted knocking Duncan and Richie's heads together.  Wow.  MInd, they're both traumatized, Duncan by four years of constant challenges and troubles, Rich by Duncan's on-again, off-again teaching and that Dark Quickening.  But this is not an ( Read more... )

characters: joe dawson, characters: haresh & carter, writing: character discussions, fandoms: highlander

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Comments 12

beccadg August 21 2012, 00:12:56 UTC
But then, I think Fitz kept Duncan balanced in a lot of ways, and Duncan kept Fitz out of some of his trouble.

*Nods.* One of the actual writers for the series, I won't name names, earned my eternal dislike when she said at a convention panel that no one liked Fitz until after he was killed by Kalas. I loved Fitz as soon as he was introduced. I hated that it took forever before they had him back on, and then they only brought him back to kill him off. The woman might have been talking for a number of people, but she sure as Hell wasn't speaking for me. She had no right to say that no one had taken an immediate liking to him. *Takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.* Sorry. I have to let that out every so often. It still bothers me.


gryphonrhi August 21 2012, 00:51:23 UTC
Yes, well, Bill Panzer said in front of a few thousand people at Dragon Con that they would have never killed Fitz off if they'd had any clue they'd get more than three years for the series! (That said? Yeah. Generalities like that make me step cautiously away...)


beccadg August 21 2012, 00:58:48 UTC
Cool. I mean I did appreciate their bringing Fitz back repeatedly after they'd killed him, but it still rankled that he was dead. I can understand them not having Marcus Constantine back when they didn't get along with the actor who played him. You have to be able to work with someone. I just hated the idea that Fitz was only popular after he was dead.


gryphonrhi August 21 2012, 01:11:07 UTC
Oh hell no, Fitz was adored! And they didn't like the guy who played Constantine? Damn, I hadn't heard that! Now, I knew they thought the guy who played Kalas was a jackass.


just_ustas August 21 2012, 04:26:57 UTC
thank for remind this episode. it was one of the best stories. so dramatic. yeah, you are right about fitz. don't know why they thought he wasn't popular. think he was adored from the first minute. and yeah, he was good influence on duncan and made him not too serious. the same as amanda.


gryphonrhi August 21 2012, 04:35:05 UTC
Oh, yeah. Very dramatic. ::grins:: And I liked Duncan when he didn't take everything so 'end of the world' seriously. Amanda and Fitz were good at doing that to him.


blade_and_roses August 21 2012, 04:48:24 UTC
I adored Fitz from before I even saw his first episode -- but then I'm a Who fan. (The, not Doctor.) The idea that Daltrey was going to do it was fantastic. And then they went and killed him. I was so incredibly peeved that they killed him that I didn't watch the first show of the next season, just out of pure contrariness (and, well, no Methos).

But yeah, I felt like we'd gotten brief glimpses of Mac's ah -- inflexibly-superior know-it-all attitude, but it just seemed to leap out in this episode. And then, of course, it got worse. Looking back, now, you know, I could suppose that it was due, in part, to the traumas that had hit -- losing Darius & Fitz, then the dark quickening and finally nearly losing Joe. I almost have to wonder if part of it was Mac pushing Joe away for his own good (which of course is still incredibly judgmental about what's best for Joe.)

But can't you just hear Fitz's comments in some of those scenes?
And back I go to the story.


gryphonrhi August 21 2012, 05:17:42 UTC
Yeah, I love the Who too, and was going, "Daltrey's going to be on here? COOL." I was so glad when Fitz kept showing up in flashbacks. (He managed to be in all six seasons!)

Yeah. I think that is why Mac was pushing him away, and it is him deciding what's best for someone else. He has the right to say he won't be Joe's friend. He had no right to tell Joe to quit acting like one, however.

::laughing:: Yeah. Fitz would have given Duncan hell and dragged him off drinking, wenching, and golfing until Duncan got over himself again. I missed him those last seasons! But, the amount of trauma Duncan was put through over those six years was incredible, too.


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