Oh for crying out loud.

Jun 06, 2012 22:46

I have a dozen fics to be writing, and plots for all of them... and instead I've found *more* Aidan-verse that was temporarily abandoned during the health/moves years.  Best part is, it's fic *I* knew about but thought I'd lost in a hard drive crash!  WHEE!  ::adds to 'to finish' list::  I could really get to like the sticky notes thing on Windows ( Read more... )

stories: aidan-verse, characters: alex krycek, fandoms: x-files, fandoms: highlander

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Comments 7

springwoof June 7 2012, 10:54:38 UTC



gryphonrhi June 7 2012, 19:50:10 UTC
::giggling:: Am I the only one who thinks this is just hilariously *wrong* that I keep finding half-finished stuff?


pat_t June 7 2012, 11:10:08 UTC
Wonderful news!


gryphonrhi June 7 2012, 19:49:03 UTC
Hilarious news but this is what I get for reading old stuff to tag it, I suppose!


wickedchocolate June 7 2012, 20:46:50 UTC
Hi Rhi,

I think its great :-D
Since I first read your Aiden stories I loved this alternative HL universe.
Its wonderful that you find old unposted stuff that you thought was lost, but I believe in you there are still a lot of unwritten stories waiting to be discoverd as well.
By the way a new computer crash could happen all the time but also the data loss on digital medias etc could be a problem in the future. It would be horrible for you if you lost your baby/work.
So what about good old paper? Have you ever thought about giving yourself a gift by printing all your stories and give it to a bookbinder?
Just an idea...



gryphonrhi June 7 2012, 21:24:16 UTC
::laughing:: Oh, I'm still writing, trust me! I just have deadlines for a lot of it right now!

And Dragon wanted to give me a copy of Sirocco bound -- it was gonna be way expensive to do, though. So I have paper copies of most of it, and I keep my fic in Dropbox, too, for digital backup!

This just *way* predates it!

Good to hear from you, by the way -- how've you been?


wickedchocolate June 10 2012, 16:25:22 UTC
You know I am patient :-D

Yeah, I understand. It costs a small fortune. Some years ago I printed and bound my best friends and my travelling diary as a christmas gift for her. It was a lot of work and expensive but worth every cent. I only regret that I haven't made one copy for myself. So I am happy that at least there are several ways of saving stuff digital.

Thanks for asking, I am fine. But the last year wasn't fun as I was ill and also had a lot of stress at work. You know how that an be. But I am feeling better now.
It was the reason I wasn't active in lj and so on.

Hope that everythings alright with you and yours, too.


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