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Comments 11

mrlnpndrgn April 17 2010, 11:26:36 UTC
BTW, according to the BBC if you've read 7 of these, you are above the average. My comments are in parentheses.)

Hmmm... I made it. Barely (I read 9, but 2 were for school).

But really, I should find the French list : maybe I'd do better ;-)


gryphonrhi April 17 2010, 16:51:05 UTC
::laughing:: Yeah, you probably would do better with the French list. Some of those shouldn't be on there -- DaVinci Code most immediately, but a few others -- because I don't see the point of including 'instant classics' i.e. current best sellers. oh, well!


mrlnpndrgn April 17 2010, 18:11:17 UTC
Yeah, you probably would do better with the French list.

At least, chances are the "Three Musketeers" would still be in ;-)

Some of those shouldn't be on there -- DaVinci Code most immediately, b

My brother told me when he read that one, he really didn't want to lose it, but only because it was a borrowed book, and he would not have wanted to replace it :-(


gryphonrhi April 17 2010, 18:23:21 UTC
I read DaVinci Code to see what all the fuss was about... and I have no clue what all the fuss was about. I think it includes, literally, every cliffhanger type of chapter ending possible. Bar none.


janne_d April 17 2010, 12:45:31 UTC
I've read 27 in entirety and another 7 partially. 7 doesn't seem very high as an average, especially since several are childrens classics likely to be read at primary school in the UK and several more are likely to show up as set texts at high school.


gryphonrhi April 17 2010, 16:52:44 UTC
Yeah, I really don't think that number can be right. Several of them are classics, plus kids books... and I don't agree with putting a bunch of current best sellers on there either.


janne_d April 17 2010, 20:00:09 UTC
You know, I'm pretty sure I've seen this list before... was the top 100 printed by a particular publisher or something? That would probably be why there are the current best sellers mixed in there.

The BBC did a different list called the Big Read that was a poll of the UK's favourite books - I remember they got different celebrities (like Simon Schama and various politicians and journalists and actors) to advocate the ones in the top twenty to pick the top spot - and I think it is a more interesting list. A lot of the titles are the same, but it doesn't have The DaVinci Code for a start and there is a lot more Terry Pratchett!


gryphonrhi April 17 2010, 20:12:49 UTC
I really wonder if this isn't off a year long sales record, yeah. I mean, it's got the complete Shakespeare & Hamlet, and the complete Narnia plus Lion, Witch & Wardrobe.

Odd. And yes, it needs more Pratchett.


shrewreader April 17 2010, 15:44:26 UTC
7??? =really?=

I mean -- I got to 17 before I had neither bold nor italicize. I mean, I know books are my Drug of Choice, but -- really?

Also, why no PTerry?


gryphonrhi April 17 2010, 16:53:25 UTC
No idea. Why no Christie, for that matter, or Twain? Weird, weird list.


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