If your characters wrote fanfic, part one, a.k.a this is Killa's fault.

Jan 25, 2008 10:01

Gacked from killabeez: So, if your characters wrote fanfic... what would they write?

Amanda: Isn't writing fanfic. She's writing romances and occasionally selling them, since she's trying to get out of thieving again. Supernatural, Regency, historical, whatever. She knows the details, modernizes some of the behavior, tones down the sex because she's saving a few things for better contracts... and she's going to get challenged over this one day, because she's using a lot of true stories from her past, and some of those involve immortals. Like the immortal Rebecca stole a husband from. And the fem-slash where she and Alex Raven tag-teamed that poor ship's captain. Amanda *really* had to tone that down, but saved the original version for an unexpurgated edition one day, just like she saved the captain's emerald cuff links for a rainy day. And there's the Hellfire Club story that she's going to publish in a few more years, when the last spouse who might know the stories are real dies....

It should be fun when Carolyn Marsh finds out and calls Amanda up to chew her out for not *telling* Carolyn she was going into the business... then offers to buy the drinks and compare notes on the copy editor they have in common.

Carl Robinson: Started out reading literary/rare fic, which is actually Derek's fault. Carl's been reading some of the 'classics' with his student and wanted a modern take on mindsets he just wasn't getting. That was fine, right until he ran into media-based fandoms and fell in love. Carl started writing plotty, political West Wing gen fic with snappy banter and his take on some of the current issues, but he's gotten sucked into Supernatural. He's writing about the collisions between faith, love, hate, and voodoo, and about the supernatural & paranormal really being just the lagniappe of reality. It's going to be another 10,000 words before the poor man figures out he's in the middle of a novel.

Reverend Bell thinks writing some of this out has done Carl's temper a lot of good, although it worries him how much fun Carl has with John Winchester's appearances. Derek just wants to see how the story ends.

Cory & Matthew: Yeah, these two are under one entry because they *are* one entry. ::giggling:: The whole thing started when Cory was holed up with nothing to do but surf the internet while the heat died down and everyone decided he really must be dead. He ran into fanfic for Phantom Menace and started laughing at the light saber fights, which was fine until he followed a few links and ended up on reading Three Musketeers fic and the light bulb went off. He started writing Robin Hood fic. Really good Robin Hood fic, with accurate fights (and some remembered winces). He started getting readers for the fights, the characters in the background doing the variety of jobs to keep an outlaw camp functioning and under the radar, and the period insults (translated at the bottom in some cases). Most importantly, however, and almost needless to say, the Sheriff of Nottingham did *not* win. In fact, he frequently ended up wet/muddy/empty-handed.

This all would have been fine if Cory hadn't emailed Matthew the URLs.

Matthew took a couple months to decide how to reply, then wrote a Sherlock Holmes fic in which Cory's character got caught and received a lecture from Holmes about using his mind for better purposes. Worse, Matthew essentially fictionalized one of the rare times Cory actually *did* get caught, although he did include the part Cory hadn't known, in which the detectives then turned their attention to why the merchant had been susceptible to this blackmail.

Cory replied with the (theretofore unknown to Matthew) sequel in which he and a new bardic acquaintance named Terrence swindled the jewels back again. Matthew responded with a story explaining how Robin Hood lost his clothes by the river (which explained that problem along the Hudson in the 1790s) and a sequel to one of Cory's fics based on the time he and Cory tracked a killer together, set it in 13th century Sherwood instead of 18th century Canada. The story gave Cory full credit for his part in catching the bastard, too.

They've been going back and forth, sometimes picking on each other, other times giving credit where due -- they're starting to terrify the Watchers, who hadn't realized they get along this well or this often! -- and somewhere in there, Cory and Matthew declared either a truce between themselves or a war on the rest of the world. Now they're writing Robin Hood fic some of the time, Holmes, Alleyn, or Wolfe & Goodwin the rest of the time, and they broke down and put all the stories on one site. They're having entirely too much fun and refusing to admit who wrote what parts on the collaborations. Even the Watchers aren't sure if all the plots are based on real incidents, although there's a small group in Research happily trying to track down references and names.

God only knows what those two will write next, but they have some dedicated fans waiting to read it -- some of them with tattoos.

Krycek: Is going to be in several of these entries, because he's not writing any of this until he retires but then he's writing fanfic for years because he doesn't need money and will kill anyone who tries to give him a deadline. (Pity, that -- he likes a lot of the challenges!)

He's started out writing Stargate fanfic for the fun of writing aliens he doesn't know, but ended up first giving Hammond a reliable XO by the name of Tanner (bald, wears glasses, former Marine) and ended up creating SG-13, whose characters (and their names) bear a suspicious resemblance to some FBI agents we know and a few cops and soldiers he met over the years. And yes, the team has members who tend to drop weapons, run into green goo or weird types of vampires (no Wraith yet), argue materialism versus the unreal, and still make a few friendly contacts/solve a few mysteries. Oh, and give the poor XO killer headaches on a regular basis, which is why they report to him, not Hammond.

The funny thing is that Krycek writes the characters with mad, quirky, warped humors and grace under pressure; the consensus among his readers is that he loves the characters and writes them *because* he loves them. One of these days, however, the stories are going to come to the attention of one of the groups that watches for Mulder-sightings (because they lead to UFO and/or Bigfoot sightings). God only knows what'll happen then, but it should be hilarious.

More on Krycek later, since I know that's not the only fandom he's writing in!

Oh my gods, this question is pure glee and/or maybe pure crack, but who cares? I'll be back with more later. And if any of you have writer's block, try asking your characters what fanfic they'd write if they had time. This has been fun!

characters: matthew mccormick, memes, characters: alex krycek, writing: story ideas, fandoms: x-files, fandoms: highlander, easily amused

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