Halloween slacking

Oct 31, 2005 22:00

Nope, the Ramirez Resurrection fic didn't get finished this weekend. I plead gorgeous weather and much hiking with my husband, plus work on the apartment. No, it didn't get done today, either. There was a book on Greece to read, and small kids to give candy to, and er, well, my ankle's hurting so I put it up and read SGA crackflashfic. ::shrug:: Um, Day of the Dead is Tuesday. I'll try for a rough draft by then.

In the meantime, if you wanted

click the links for previously-written stories.

For that matter, Alyss has just posted a ghost story in her LJ, and DEATH and the Death Of Rats recently wandered through tarsh's. ::grinning:: It's not the return of the Spanish peacock, but it's is an option-rich environment...

writing: updates, holidays, holidays: halloween

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